Readers write letters to the newspaper screaming that they are being duped.
This week, we intend to put this theory to the test by asking you, our readers, to write a caption for this picture.
Readers are invited to write in with their comments.
Another common failing is that the authors forget what readers most want to do when learning a new language; namely, to write small working programs to familiarize themselves with the syntax.
This week we intend to put this theory to the test by asking you, our readers, to write a caption for this picture.
Post a link, write some commentary, and share it with all of your readers. And don't forget to share your own blog post as well!
If you speak or write for a living, you'll find you make a big hit with your audience or readers of your work.
I was going to write "exercise" but I'm afraid that many readers will just skip over this one. So instead, just go for a walk.
This is purely down to realising why I write, why I do what I do, and focus my actions on better serving readers, subscribers and advertisers on the blog.
It would not be hard to write such a reader, and I am sure this will happen in time (perhaps by me or one of my readers).
Kris called me at seven o 'clock last night, just as I was sitting down to write the Friday "Ask the Readers" post.
Best-selling international author Isabel Allende is calling on her readers to help write a new chapter in the fight against hunger.
Instead, readers return data that is based on the currently committed version; that is, data prior to the start of the write operation.
DB2 9.7 now USES the default-locking state so that readers will not wait for the outcome of a pending write.
现在,DB 2 9.7使用的默认锁状态允许读者不等待写操作的结果。
“I should write a post for Get Rich Slowly, ” my wife told me the other day. “I could tell your readers all about how you’re not frugal.”
For readers unfamiliar with the history what inspired you to write TestNG?
Hoping to write a rebuttal to Mr. Kulak's article, I reread it and found that there was something else worth thinking about, and I doubt it's what Kulak had in mind for his readers.
为了反驳Kulak先生的观点,我重读了这篇文章,并且发现还有另一件事值得去思考,我怀疑这正是 Kulak 希望他的读者所得到的。
But what about when real readers take the time to sit down and write to me?
Many will have chosen to write about climate change because they think something should be done about it and that if their readers get scared they will be more likely to act.
As regular readers of this site will know, we write a "Worth a look" blog every morning flagging up six articles or blogs worth reading.
Shanda generates revenues through online advertising and by charging readers small amounts to access popular stories or works from famous authors who have been contracted to write.
Also happening at the same time, I can see, is a substantial change in the way readers are receiving the fiction I write.
You need to write a lot, and need to learn to explain things in a good way so that readers can easily understand what you are trying to say.
为了使读者能更轻 松的明白你讲的内容,你需要写更多的内容,学习以更好的方式解释它。
Readers often write in to remark that I am a man, a fact of which I am generally aware.
Writing and reading go hand-in-hand: how and what you read affects how and what you write, and the best readers often make the best writers.
But he admits he doesn't write to educate or influence readers.
Your newspaper encourages readers to write in with their in with their questions and you undertake some research before publishing an article based on the reader's questions.
Your newspaper encourages readers to write in with their in with their questions and you undertake some research before publishing an article based on the reader's questions.