The escalating real estate price war is equivalent to an epidemic one doesn't envisage.
It reveals that the changes of real estate price will lead to the fluctuation of stock price.
Someone said that the real estate price in Pudong is so high because of these outside speculators.
Chapter 4 introduces factors that affect the land price and real estate price, and trend of wuhan.
Volume growth in first quarter of this year, Guangzhou, all types of real estate price has also rebounded.
The real estate price is much concerned as its relationship with people's living condition in our country.
Real estate price report summarizes and calculates the price situation both from macro-view and micro-view.
So China will increase the interest rate, put more controls on bank lending, and hammer the real estate price.
Urban rail transit solves traffic problems of big cities and at the same time brings about an increase in real estate price.
Abstract: the real estate price elasticity and gradient mechanism are the major components of the real estate price mechanism.
Is that the stock will let you know the stake real-time pricing, but I've never seen on my farm or New York real estate price.
The personnel of real estate price evaluation are classified as the master valuator of real estate and the valuator of real estate.
Price formula is an actual representation of real estate price formation theory and of technical evaluation ways of relevant theories.
The country has taken some measures in the finance and the financial aspect, but has not played the suppression real estate price role.
The national real estate price increases potential universal becoming slower, and certain local house price appears the fall phenomenon.
That level makes the country's real estate price growth slower than in many other countries around the world, including the United States.
But land can not be transferred because of its unique non-mobility. At a large extent, land price can determines real estate price levels.
The increasing of real estate price takes much attention from the society, and it arouses a furious discussion about the bubble in real estate.
As real estate price indices play more significant roles, it is necessary to give more effective method for forecasting real estate price indices.
The unbalanced high of vacancy rate will cause serious waste to social resource, excessively low will cause quickly rise on the real estate price.
In the subway line plan stage, there exists an appreciation in the value of real estate price, generally speaking, there is a wide range of price.
At this stage, to control the inflow of foreign capital over the real estate market is conducive to maintaining China's real estate price stability.
Within the elements that affect the real estate price, the money supply M2 and per capita disposable income in urban residents have been quantified.
But simultaneously also has caused the house price fast rise, the real estate price question becomes social the hot topic, the argument is unceasing.
Intermediary service agencies for real estate include real estate consultant agencies real estate price appraisal agencies and real estate broking agencies.
The bubble of real estate is abnoromality state that real estate price sustaining rise for it is divorced from actual value by the artificial factor action .
The bubble of real estate is abnoromality state that real estate price sustaining rise for it is divorced from actual value by the artificial factor action .