Let's continue this example of a house price-based regression model, and create some real data to examine.
Compensation for the value of the house can be no less than the market price of similar real estate.
The authors' gauge of real house-price gains USES the series of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO).
That means you should sell your house for what its real industry asking price is and not your own price tag.
Higher sale price of commodity houses cause commercial house overstock along with the development of real estate.
The real-estate agent played a trick on us and we bought the house for an unreasonable price.
By building the simultaneous equations of real estate supply and demand, this article analyzes how the floating funds effect on the supply and demand and then pull the house price rising.
The farther research discovered that the process of urbanization are also influenced by real estate price fluctuate, house purchase area per people, population amount of the city and so on.
The Beijing house price is stir-fried more and more high now, actual value is completely inconsistent and, therefore choosing the real estate buying Beijing's currently is the most unwise.
The ones that drew the house price of real estate market of our country are from the inflation mechanism.
The paper discusses that the institutional monopoly of real estate is the principal reason for house price soaring in this thesis.
Why not let the world's largest real estate sales organization help you if you want to Buy a good commodity house at a lower price?
The national real estate price increases potential universal becoming slower, and certain local house price appears the fall phenomenon.
Firstly, this paper made real estate credit as the finance index, and made house price as the real estate index.
Abstract: Based on stock model, this paper developed a partial equilibrium model of real estate market combined with foreign invest to illustrate the impact of foreign invest on house price.
VAR model impulse response analysis of the process of the two, indicating that the price of land is not affected the real main reason for rising house prices to accelerate.
But simultaneously also has caused the house price fast rise, the real estate price question becomes social the hot topic, the argument is unceasing.
Secondly, the price-limited housing has driven the adjustment of the real estate market, has been helpful to the return of house price.
In recent years, with the increasing hot of the real estate in China, the house price has been rising fast.
In recent years, with the increasing hot of the real estate in China, the house price has been rising fast.