The image real time collection system are composed of lamp-house, vidicon, image collection card , PC and the image collection program running on PC.
The overloading object has been incepted then turned into graphics file by image collection card to realize real-time detecting and monitoring of freight overloading.
It mainly states the design of real-time image acquisition card based on PCI bus and development of WINDOWS driver programs for the card.
Presently, most recognition systems of ID Card numbers are based on scanner, but this systems cannot meet the demand of long and real time catching image.
A real time image capturing and transmission in infrared circuit card tester is presented.
The system adopt computer with the picture acceleration card to the real-time process. In the software the system use the fast algorithms to improve the image processing and parameter operating speed.
The system adopt computer with the picture acceleration card to the real-time process. In the software the system use the fast algorithms to improve the image processing and parameter operating speed.