The book was inspired by a real person, namely Tamara de Treaux.
A child might be less afraid to make a mistake in front of a robot than in front of a real person.
I'm sorry, do you mean to say, it's a real-life series about a real person?
"I was surprised and angered because it's the most shameless use of a real person to make up the image of a terrorist, " Llamazares said.
Your guests don't want to socialize with a robot - they want a real person.
A real person has two reasons for doing anything — a good reason and the real reason.
一个真正的人做事情有两个原因- - -一个好的原因和一个真正的原因。
I engage with the construct instead of the person, and only later discover who the real person is.
After all, if Christ was a real person in a single real body, his features can’t suddenly change.
In fact, people on the spectrum often see through such surface appearances to discover the real person.
The story revolves around an android who comes to the emotional realization that he is not a real person.
We really don't know, so scholars are completely at sea as far is if Theophilus a real person or is he not.
At least Liu Yiting is a real person who really got into Harvard and her mother really wrote that book.
"We created a certain image" based on a real person, Mr. Yen said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
It concluded much later, after a personality, a real person, could be pinned to each of those pretty faces.
Laura Ashley, like Lillian Vernon and Liz Claiborne but unlike Betty Crocker and Ann Taylor, was a real person.
I don't know if Cody is a real person or perhaps an industry lobbyist with a great imagination and tremendous creativity.
We judge too often on the house (body) that people live in, instead of focusing on the real person living inside that body.
Then the little mermaid becomes a real person, but she really is in a lot of pain, the pain is worse than she expected.
Are you one of those people who dials a customer service line and just keeps pressing zero until you get to talk to a real person?
How this is done, however, is determined by a deeper and fundamental problem: the role attributed to the analyst as a real person.
The important thing is that you think about a real person and the possible reasons why they are powerful, why others choose to follow them.
First of all, the configured user that might be running the script might not be the same as the real person that needs to handle the output.
"It's like finding a lover," she says. "At first everything they do is exciting, but over time a good lover becomes more of a real person."
Kosaku Shima of Hatsushiba Goyo Holdings has only one serious shortcoming: he is not a real person, but a manga, or cartoon, character (see article).
The previous androids had lifelike appearances, every detail trying to reproduce the features of a real person. The Telenoid has a minimalistic design.
If you can see past the walls that most people put and truly speak to the real person inside of them, you'll be one of the few that understands them.
If you can see past the walls that most people put and truly speak to the real person inside of them, you'll be one of the few that understands them.