Light were red and swollen eyelids, palms sweating, the body from the red knots;
It shows. Your eyes are red and swollen. What is it? Too much work at the office?
The woman raised her head, wiped her red and swollen eyes, sobbed and answered intermittently.
To take care of the night, the next morning, the nurses to take over Xena, her eyes red and swollen.
The sun slowly through the clouds, revealing a long red and swollen face, like a shy little girl secretly looked at the earth.
Six elder brothers seeing by the red and swollen fast wane in the mirror and can not help jubilantly merry, dancing and ticket.
The woman raised her head, wiped her red and swollen eyes, sobbed and answered intermittently: "in the past, my father-in-law was devoured by a tiger."
Wait for their mothers finished, he looked at her pair of red and swollen, cracked mouth a lot of blood in the foot, can not help but ask: "Mother, how your feet it?"
Lemon durable easy to save, rich in vitamin c, can prevent bleeding gums are red and swollen, still can reduce dark spots, freckles and the probability of occurrence, and some whitening effect.
Lemon durable easy to save, rich in vitamin c, can prevent bleeding gums are red and swollen, still can reduce dark spots, freckles and the probability of occurrence, and some whitening effect.
The research isn't conclusive, but red, swollen, and bleeding gums may point to health problems from heart disease to diabetes.
The hole in my cheek, the blue-black swelling around my eyes, and the swollen red scar of Tyler's kiss on the back of my hand, a copy of a copy of a copy.
When her hands were not hard from the endless housework, they were swollen and red like boiled beef, what of the washing. And there was his sister Marian.
The skin may become red and hot as blood vessels dilate in an attempt to increase heat dissipation, sometimes leading to swollen lips.
After the vein is injected, it will turn red and will be swollen and tender for a few days.
Since last midnight. It hurt so much I couldn't sleep at all. This morning I saw that the skin was red, hot and swollen.
Her face hung just under his, yielded and worshiping, her swollen lips parted and faintly red.
The monkey sat on top of the log too long, that his buttocks were swollen and red.
猴在柴箍顶坐一下(太)久去, 伊的脚疮煞变甲红搁肿。
Your throat is bright red and is markedly swollen. The lymphogranules of your posterior pharyngeal wall show a slight increase in number and size.
The majority of the French soldiers were disfigured by frost-bitten cheeks and noses, and almost all of them had red, swollen, and streaming eyes.
If you use when you have red, swollen, to stimulate a sense of other symptoms, stop use and consult physician opinion.
For sore throat, swollen gums, mouth sores, red eyes, swelling and pain.
They cause blood vessels to widen, resulting in the affected area of skin becoming red, swollen, itchy and painful, such as is seen in dermatitis or eczema.
Thee skin may become red and hot as blood vessels dilate in an attempt to increase heat dissipation, sometimes leading to swollen lips.
He had found her waiting for him upon his return from the council Chambers, still ruffled from her impulsive flight to the fortress, her eyes red-rimmed and swollen.
Skin of inner canthus and eyelids appeared red swollen, ulceration with cave formation.
Skin of inner canthus and eyelids appeared red swollen, ulceration with cave formation.