You can literally see the shock coming through the undisturbed atmosphere of the red giant star and then the subsequent expansion of that star, "Nugent said."
Our Sun is between the lightweight and heavyweight stars. The red giant star at the bottom of the graphic is much larger than the other stars in the illustration.
Billions of years ago Mira was likely similar to our Sun, but has now become a swollen red giant star, its outer layers of material blowing off into interstellar space.
In another paper in the same issue, a different research team reports using Kepler data to detect a system of three stars, which includes a red giant star and two red dwarfs.
Every 20 years or so the red giant star dumps enough hydrogen gas onto its companion White Dwarf star to set off a brilliant thermonuclear explosion on the White Dwarf's surface.
When a star similar to the sun fuses most of its hydrogen into helium, then the helium into carbon, the star becomes unstable and puffs out into a red giant.
This causes the star's outer layers to expand enormously and to cool and glow red as they do so, rendering the star a red giant.
The bigger a star is, the more rapidly it burns up its fuel, and the quicker it becomes a bloated red giant.
One explanation is that HIP 13044 swallowed its inner planets during the red giant phase, which would make the star spin more quickly.
一种解释是HIP 13044在红巨星阶段吞噬了它的一些带内行星,这可能使它自转得更快。
Its star is a red giant - a massive star near the end of its life. It is too dim to see in the night sky from Earth without a telescope.
Gliese 581是一颗已经接近生命终点的红巨星,星光十分暗淡,在没有天文望远镜的情况下,从夜空中根本无法看到。
From the spin rate of the parent star, which is faster than it should be, scientists think the red giant already has consumed some of HIP 13044b's sisters.
这颗红巨星的旋转速度要比正常情况下要快,基于这个现象,科学家们认为这颗红巨星已经形成了HIP 10044b的其他姐妹行星。
In this model, gas flows from the large red giant companion star into a disk and then onto the White Dwarf.
A66 is a red star located at the lowest end of the red giant branch (near the top of the sub-giant branch) of the globular cluster M4.
A66是位于球状星团m 4红巨星支最底部(近亚巨星支顶部)的一颗红星。
As the nuclear burning moves outward to the fresh material in a shell surrounding the core the star bloats into a so-called red giant.
As the nuclear burning moves outward to the fresh material in a shell surrounding the core, the star bloats into a so-called red giant.
As it burned through its supply of hydrogen, the star would have swelled to become a so-called red giant, tens, or even hundreds of times its original size.
It has become what astronomers call a subgiant, or a star that has exhausted all of its hydrogen fuel in the core and is on its way to becoming a red giant.
It has become what astronomers call a subgiant, or a star that has exhausted all of its hydrogen fuel in the core and is on its way to becoming a red giant.