Finally, the string type is a reference type, so every string instance refers to an additional block of memory to hold the actual string data.
Whether a data type is a value type or a reference type, the communicating parties could also pose problems.
To create a sample XML file, you need to modify the code to reference the namespace and data type you want to use (Figure 18).
REFERENCE, in turn, is a system type that is the data type of the object identifier column of any typed table.
A single reference type, RiCEvent, is used for all generated events and also holds a reference to the event's data (if any exists), and a dedicated type is generated only for events with data.
The REF USING INTEGER clause specifies that the INTEGER data type will be used to represent the REFERENCE type of this structured type and all of its subtypes.
REF USINGINTEGER子句指定了 INTEGER数据类型,将使用这个数据类型表示该结构化类型及其所有子类型的 REFERENCE 类型。
Type III (Reference data in XML format).
类型III (xml格式的参考数据)。
The data type can be a DB2 built-in data type, a distinct type or a reference type.
It is intended to be the artifact or reference that allows anyone to determine the meaning, type and context of any term and, in particular, any business data element used in an initiative.
The FieldDescription class is just a simple data class that holds the field name, signature, and a reference to the field type.
You declare and use an array of a reference type just as you would declare and use an array of any data type.
This paper introduces the practice utilization, the calculating method, steps and reference data of the enlarged type of foundation.
Illustrates the difference between storing data by reference or by value and how these alternatives depend on the type of data.
These results can provide reference for choosing topology and the type of access couplers that may be used in optical fiber data bus.
When you pass a reference-type parameter by value, it is possible to change the data pointed to by the reference, such as the value of a class member.
When you pass a reference-type parameter by value, it is possible to change the data pointed to by the reference, such as the value of a class member.