This recursive technique ensures that all of the HTML elements are processed, regardless of how they are nested within each other.
But at times you might want to break out of the structure a bit and just grab certain elements, regardless of position (or regardless of position given a starting context).
This guarantees that no reallocation is necessary regardless of how many elements are added to the array later on and regardless of the size of those elements.
Regardless of the final size, here are some of the likely elements of Obama's plan.
This effect is not present on the T5220 box (case 1 is always slightly faster than case 2, regardless of the number of elements).
这种效应在 T5220机器上不存在(无论使用多少个元素,第一种情况总是比第二种情况快一点儿)。
Such an approach guarantees that you will always get the whole content of an element regardless of included comments, processing instructions, or sub-elements.
First, the // means to start at the root and select all elements (that match the selectors and criteria that follow), regardless of where they are nested.
Regardless of how you replicate the data, the following design elements in the sample database show how the replicated data are used.
Regardless of the price of your camera, handle the lens elements as infrequently as possible.
Each element of the first collection appears in the result set of a group join regardless of whether correlated elements are found in the second collection.
Regardless of heating elements in the structure or its location within the furnace are carefully designed.
Vocabulary is one of the three elements, Regardless of looking from the internal change with society's relations, the glossary displays very much positively, active.
To accurately reproduce the narrative in the output document, the style sheet must handle elements regardless of where they appear, and the push model excels at that.
A left outer join is a join in which each element of the first collection is returned, regardless of whether it has any correlated elements in the second collection.
ELEMENTS of the research PAPER the standard research report, regardless of the field or the intended reader, contains four major sections.
The scores showed large variability in all four subjective elements, regardless of the infant's level of illness, the investigators report in the Journal of Pediatrics.
The scores showed large variability in all four subjective elements, regardless of the infant's level of illness, the investigators report in the Journal of Pediatrics.