After a 28 relapse into drug abuse, Carlton killed himself at 53.
At best there will be a wrenching slowdown; at worst, a relapse into recession.
I have suggested that it is not just a relapse into infantilism, but a genuine attempt to get at something necessary.
That is revving recovery in big emerging economies, while only staving off a relapse into recession in much of the rich world.
只是新兴经济大国复苏迅速,使大多数发达国家避免了重陷衰退。 这里应该是:(公共开支产生的需求)正使得新兴经济大国加速经济复苏,但是对多数发达国家来说,(公共开支产生的需求)只能避免他们重陷衰退。
And history suggests that although nascent recoveries often wobble for a quarter or two, they rarely relapse into recession.
For those of us who have just escaped a relationship, here are all the amazing, wonderful things you can do before you relapse into love.
If by some miracle, I were granted three seeing days, to be followed by a relapse into darkness, I should divide the period into three parts.
It's possible, of course, that the U. S. economy will relapse into a protracted recession and that interest rates will remain at rock bottom.
At any small surprise of the senses he would start visibly and sometimes turn pale, then relapse into a melancholy apathy deeper than before.
Moreover, there are areas which are occasionally attacked by natural disasters, and thus local people often relapse into terrible predicaments.
The less his power, the more safely obscure and unnoticed does he feel his position to be, and the more readily does he relapse into remissness.
Application: mainly applicable to all kinds of copper, iron, aluminum products such as drilling processing, can relapse into cut, accurate positioning and other advantages.
Because of lack of both the profound personality background and the direction of the technological philosophy and the scientific esthetics, modern arts relapse into a mess made by itself.
Mindfulness, or paying attention to the present moment, can help prevent a relapse back into depression, according to new research.
Method:56 cases of relapse of external humeral epicondylitis were distributed into fire needle group and warming needle group randomly and effects of both groups were compared.
方法:5 6例复发性肱骨外上髁炎随机选择“改良火针”与温针灸治疗,比较两组疗效。
Method:56 cases of relapse of external humeral epicondylitis were distributed into fire needle group and warming needle group randomly and effects of both groups were compared.
方法:5 6例复发性肱骨外上髁炎随机选择“改良火针”与温针灸治疗,比较两组疗效。