It is evident that it can relieve the traffic congestion in the streets, thus accelerating the flow of buses and cars.
How to relieve traffic congestion in urban central area is becoming the key challenge requiring immediate action plans in large and medium cities.
When the traffic demand is too high that ramp metering is not effective anymore, the variable speed limit control is needed to relieve the congestion.
The ACP transport corridor is designed to cater for traffic to the new airport and to relieve congestion on existing roads.
If it is unable to relieve traffic congestion on the city expressway efficiently, the larger traffic jam will ultimately emerge in city road network as a result.
In order to relieve the ever increasing urban traffic congestion and discourage low occupancy vehicle usage, Changqing Garden community started "Neighborhood Carpool" in Wuhan City.
In order to relieve the ever increasing urban traffic congestion and discourage low occupancy vehicle usage, Changqing Garden community started "Neighborhood Carpool" in Wuhan City.