But Roeder sold away his rights, and Red Gate has to make money to remain in business.
EXAMPLE: Our restaurant was quite small but we had many repeat customers so we were confident we would remain in business.
Therefore, if the tobacco companies want to remain in business, they have to encourage more young people to start smoking.
Cowboy tradesmen remain in business because there are always gullible customers, and the same is true of economic forecasters.
Lehman Brothers, the storied investment bank, collapsed into a court-protected reorganization unprepared to remain in business.
If a good is non-rivalrous but excludable, a private provider of that good can only remain in business by charging the users a positive price.
Your high and low salaries, can remain in business, is your attitude toward work and decided to create value is not determined by the leadership.
The economy's rapid decline in the last year put an even bigger dent in sales, 5%. and Ms. Grossmeyer says she realized she couldn't remain in business.
A company's dividends and cashflow remain the same whether the business is in or out of fashion.
In order to remain competitive a company needs to constantly change and improve its business processes.
To be sure, some advanced degrees remain in hot demand, such as those in business and finance.
As long as the inputs and outputs of the command implementations remain constant, changes in business logic do not need to impact the Web services implementation layer.
The first is that investors will remain leery of GE's stock for as long as the company owns a sizeable business that is vulnerable to a systemic upset in the financial world.
Any successful blogger (or business person) will tell you that the in order to remain that way, you need to be in a constant of learning.
VW also suffered a dramatic decline in business in the fourth quarter, although VW managed to remain profitable.
In the airline business, for example, traditional national carriers faced with feisty, low-cost new entrants had to decide whether to join them (and thus compete with themselves) or to remain aloof.
The key principles of business-driven development, as defined by Per Kroll and Walker Royce 5 for software-intensive systems, remain generally applicable in the context of methods.
业务驱动开发的关键原则,就像Per Kroll和WalkerRoyce5对软件集约系统定义的那样,在方法的环境中仍然可以普遍适用。
Hollywood's ability to respond quickly to change has helped the film business to remain stable, with the same number of big studios now as in the early 20th century.
According to Shi, if he's learned nothing else in his business classes, it's that he must remain motivated and strive for greater successes.
Takahashi began manufacturing telescopes in 1967 their 35th year of business. They began and remain in the sand casting business today.
Despite fallout from the financial crisis, Banks remain popular among business students. Goldman Sachs ranked the highest, coming in fourth on the list of preferred employers.
But so far, most of the appraisal methods remain in the appraisal towards single business only, furthermore, these methods conduct the analysis from the qualitative perspective.
During the period of liquidation, the partnership shall remain in existence, however, it shall not engage in any business activities unrelated to liquidation.
According to the going-concern concept, accountants assume that the business will remain in operation long enough to use existing assets for their intended purpose.
There is no doubt that domestic enterprises remain fairly behind in the corporate culture, management philosophy and business pattern with the international ones.
Iran has complained that despite the lifting of sanctions that once barred financial institutions from doing business with the country, foreign Banks remain reluctant to be involved in transactions.
Acer chairman JT Wang said the firm intended to remain strong in the computer hardware business but it was also looking into software as it was an area that could drive growth.
Acer chairman JT Wang said the firm intended to remain strong in the computer hardware business but it was also looking into software as it was an area that could drive growth.