Remember that good listening comprehension does not mean understanding what every word means. Good listening comprehension means understanding what is happening, understanding what people mean.
For a keyword to be any good, you have to be able to remember your keyword when you're given the foreign word later.
Often to see the word is also a very good way, we will unconsciously remember those words.
Balanced is a good word to use, but remember the type of company you are interviewing at. Some companies may want someone who is aggressive and a go-getter.
A good way to remember this one is that there is a word that means bored and it's uninterested.
Remember to keep the others behind him to say any one of you people put in a good word, do not be afraid of this, see Chuan-He ears.
Remember to keep the others behind him to say any one of you people put in a good word, do not be afraid of this, see Chuan-He ears.