This paper's purpose is designing a wireless remote data collection system based on GPRS network.
The DDL stores the information about the remote data collection in the information Integrator catalogs.
该DDL将与远程数据集合有关的信息存储在Information Integrator编目中。
The system is used in the real application of user service and office automation, and makes a foundation of the further research of remote data collection and monitor equipment.
A major pharmaceutical company USES the data consolidation pattern in a SOA context to support the collection and review of remote lab-testing statistics.
To collect data from other machines used in distributed applications, the data collection infrastructure must also be present on all of those remote hosts.
You can simply use the V4.1 workbench to deploy the new data collection subagents to the remote systems.
The agentless approach is based on the collection of data using remote protocols.
If you require the ability to perform data collection and other tasks remotely, you can set up the IBM Support Assistant's remote agents.
The Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) provides a comprehensive data collection framework that helps write, deploy, and collect data from remote or local data collection agents.
EclipseTest和PerformanceToolsPlatform (TPTP)提供了一个全面的数据收集框架,它有助于编写,配置以及从远程或者本地收集代理采集的数据。
These agents provide a remote endpoint with which the workbenches communicate to access the data collection services.
In a federated system a server represents a collection of data on the remote data source.
Agents provide data collection capabilities, enabling you to easily execute dozens of product-specific data collections on your remote systems.
It is available from the remote collection using agents option in the collect Data TAB, similar to other remote product collectors.
与其他远程产品收集器类似,这个收集器位于collectData选项卡中的Remote collectionusingagents选项。
May engage in the design and development of new equipment and procedures for meteorological data collection, remote sensing, or for related applications.
An engineering sample with intelligent data collection control series modules to support field bus and remote control of railway signal system is introduced.
It is integrated with data collection, communication, state control of facilities and data management, remote supervise and control is realized, good economic benefits is obtained.
The function of data collection, remote supervision and remote diagnosis were mainly studied in light of the updating Ethernet pattern DNC system.
Simple band-pass type radiometers are seen to be complementary to conventional spectroradiometers for ground data collection in remote sensing.
A data collection event includes a request for data from a remote communication device, a transfer of sensor data to the remote communication device and a processing of the sensor data.
At the same time the paper designed software architecture related to and modules process of data collection platforms and WEB remote browsing.
This paper introduces the structure and principle of the data collection system and the remote data transceiver based on SMS protocol.
It is not necessary to add any hardware circuits that the IBM PC series microcomputer can be used to realize remote-control and data collection for a single instrument.
The RS485 transmission net is made up of the data collection station, which can transmit for remote distance and restrain common mode interference.
So as to realize the data transmission to the PC and through the CGI control specific leds, collection temperature or infrared signal analysis to PCS to realize remote monitoring.
This system consists of two main parts, which are remote control center and mud-logging data collection part.
Distributed intelligent door monitoring system realize remote control and data collection by RS-485 bus, the telephone network is used as transmission medium.
文章介绍的分布式智能门禁监控系统采用RS- 4 85总线技术,以程控电话网为媒介来进行远程的数据采集和设备控制。
This system adopts a novel remote-transmitting water meter, data processing and special network architecture to achieve precise collection and reliable transmission of user data.
The technology of GSM short message service(SMS) has been perfect in many fields, such as remote monitor, data collection, and wireless alarm.
The technology of GSM short message service(SMS) has been perfect in many fields, such as remote monitor, data collection, and wireless alarm.