If you would like to rename this method, a check of all classes in the inheritance hierarchy is needed to find all positions in the code which should be changed.
In addition to creating and destroying components, the host also handles component rename operations through the create method. The rename logic is simple, yet interesting.
So when you want to rename a method or class, it's easy for the environment to find every use of it by pinpointing the location in the AST.
因此,当需要重新命名一个方法或者类的时候,开发环境很容易通过在 AST 中精确定位找到方法或类被引用的每个地方。
The use of aliases is my preferred method for using namespaces for two reasons: First, if I later rename the namespace, I only have one line of code to change per source file.
Through Aegis external mapping file you will rename the method parameter and the bean properties and the results can be seen in the SOAP payload.
You can use it to rename any method, variable, or class in your project. To try it
After the first tiny steps we started to implement the other refactorings Inline method, Rename of methods, variables, fields and classes.
And the old Rename and Extract Method refactorings are now smarter, easier to use and work even better for Rails projects.
More commonly used method is in the software of publishing color name shall prevail, will be the same name of special color palette of of all kinds of software in the name of the same rename.
Reflexil is able to rename, delete or inject class, interface, struct, enum, event, field, method, constructor, property or assembly reference.
By using the method of event study, this paper studies on the reactions of the trading volume and returns around the period of the rename announcement of the stock.
By using the method of event study, this paper studies on the reactions of the trading volume and returns around the period of the rename announcement of the stock.