He reputedly earns two million dollars a year.
Snow and River, by Wang Wei (reputedly).
Mr Osborne himself reputedly pushed for Mr Clarke's appointment.
Sam's interest tends towards the reputedly 'ugly' and predatory side of the sea.
Today, let's discuss the snack with reputedly in ancient Beijing called Sheepshead Ma.
Huawei recruits reputedly have to do two weeks of military training before starting work.
This is reputedly where Freeman learned to make use of ventilation shafts to infiltrate buildings.
This is reputedly the oldest shopping centre in the world, having been constructed between 1865 and 1877.
The islands reputedly experience the highest and most consistent wind speeds of any comparable place on earth.
Fortunately its vast size and almost complete lack of portability reputedly limited its destructive potential.
Reputedly the only anti-Semitic lynching in American history, Frank's death shocked the country and traumatised its Jews.
What he found was a diminished company which was reputedly only months from bankruptcy and saddled with mediocre products.
I think about how this man wrote down philosophical thoughts during the Song Dynasty and reputedly studied up on Moon Hill.
A city of north-central Germany east-southeast of Hanover. Reputedly founded in861, it is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 253, 057.
An ancient Greek colony of southern Italy near the Gulf of Salerno. Reputedly founded by Xenophanes, it was the center of the Eleatic school of philosophy.
Similar things have happened in Turkey, Spain, France, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Syria, he argues, and all of these countries are reputedly safe places.
This means that fans in South Asia, Australia and New Zealand were left to obtain visas from what is reputedly not one of the speediest bureaucracies in the world.
They also reputedly need pristine water quality & are prone to shell problems if such is not maintained (Cagles & Black-knobbed are reputed to be bad about this;
This was reputedly at the behest of an Englishman running an ironworks at Invergarry who felt his kilted employees needed a greater freedom of movement to do their work.
As early as in the New Stone Age, 4000to 5000years ago, its first inhabitants created the splendid Liangzhu Culture, reputedly called the twilight of civilization.
She watched a series of horror films, went to a reputedly haunted house and to an exotic pet store - where she handled dangerous snakes and asked to handle a tarantula.
But the surprising news from the scientific community is that this reputedly decadent treat actually has some health benefits, especially if you choose your chocolate wisely.
Villarreal have also been linked with a move for former player Santi Cazorla, although Racing Santander are also reputedly keen on the Recreativo star who is out of contract.
What's supposed to happen: a great earthquake (sloping park, great calamity) is reputedly foretold in this quatrain. In the New World (he Lands of the West), California is the logical choice.
The success of the proslavery guerrillas inspired Brown, with four of his sons and two other accomplices, to murder five reputedly proslavery settlers who lived along Pottawottamie Creek.
蓄奴主义者们成功的游击战术启发了布朗,他和他的四个儿子及其他两位同伴杀死了居住在博塔瓦托米溪(Pottawottamie Creek)的五个蓄奴主义定居者。
Yoshikazu Tanaka, the 33-year-old boss of Gree, a mobile-gaming company whose listing made him reputedly the youngest billionaire in Asia, believes this is because many are too complacent.
I don't mean that many of us like kicking puppies; only that dogs are now generally far less welcome in Britain than they are in other reputedly more callous nations, such as France or Italy.
Celts planted the first grapevines here sometime around the fifth century B.C., and the Romans, whose soldiers reputedly preferred to be paid in wine, cultivated the region's earliest vineyards.
Celts planted the first grapevines here sometime around the fifth century B.C., and the Romans, whose soldiers reputedly preferred to be paid in wine, cultivated the region's earliest vineyards.