You want to be very sure that "title" is taken as the reserved word rather than as a STRING.
To use a reserved word in a SQL statement as an identifier, you must enclose it in double quotes.
In Ada 2005 a new reserved word interface was introduced to resolve the limitations of single inheritance.
在Ada 2005中,引入了一个新的保留词接口来解决单次继承性的限制问题。
A string requires quotes if it is a reserved word or if it contains a character not ordinarily allowed in an identifier.
The key is using the XMLQUERY reserved word to indicate an XQuery that is executed against an XML document that is passed in via the SQL select statement.
Finally, the string "area" is now considered to be a reserved word when dealing with URL routing. This was done to support the Areas feature added in MVC 2.
最后,“area”这个字符串在URL路由中变成了保留字,这是为了支持MVC 2中新加入的区域特性。
I use "_eof_" (EOF is short for "End Of File") because it is traditional, but you can use anything, as long as it does not conflict with a bash reserved word.
我使用“ _ E OF _ ” (EOF表示文件的末尾),是因为,这是一个传统的表示形式,但是,你可以使用任何字符穿,只要你所用的字符串不跟bash的保留字相冲突就可以了。
Evt is a reserved SVG word that describes the event that has just happened.
The word was once reserved for use by a younger generation. Now it seems as if everyone is in on this awesome action.
A new social-networking site called MySpace was just starting to make waves. And the word "twitter" was reserved mainly for birdsong.
A word reserved for inline assembly is used as a variable name.
I will take you. " The owner of the voice was a wise looking elder and true to his word he took her to dry land, all the while keeping a rather reserved silence."
I will take you. " The owner of the voice was a wise looking elder and true to his word he took her to dry land, all the while keeping a rather reserved silence."