The distribution of residual stress of weld joints is analyzed.
This article introduced the experiment of residual stress in flat tubeplate head of large scale fuel boiler that was manufactured by cold rotary extruding and butt weld.
Hoop residual stress es in the weld vicinity are tensile in both inner and outer surfaces.
The weld residual stress by PWTH is discussed in order to prove that PWTH can really improve the distribution of stress.
残余拉应力区宽度变大。 文中还给出了焊后热处理后的应力大小情况,以证明焊后热处理能改善应力分布。
Residual extend stress is produced at weld toe by TIG dressing, while compressing stress of high values by ultrasonic peening.
The great error could be produced in measuring the residual stress in a weld with the use of calibration coefficient for the base metal instead of the weld metal.
The residual stress tests were conducted on different weld structures of repaired pipelines by drill-hole method in order to investigate the influence of welding repair on pipeline integrity.
The temperature field and residual stress field of unclosed hoop weld were obtained and the results were discussed.
Experiment results of welding residual stress and the stress after local post weld heat treatment are compared with numerical simulation.
The results show that after TIG arc remelting treatment, the T-joint weld toe area can improve the shape of the weld toe, however, the area till shows a tensile residual stress state.
Weld with trailing impactive rolling (WTIR) is a new technique to reduce the residual stress and distortion and prevent hot cracking of thin-walled structure.
The results show that post welding residual stress concentrates in the vicinity of two weld and the maximum residual stress appears in the starting position of TIG weld.
Stress-strain tests show that: the weld residual stress and the fusion zone is relatively concentrated, the residual stress of the heat affected zone is relatively small.
In the weld transverse residual stress near the tensile stress, also had both compressive stress;
In the weld transverse residual stress near the tensile stress, also had both compressive stress;