In the conventional logging, resistivity log is the chief way to identify the types of fluids in formation.
The resistivity log response, environmental effect and its tool parameters are investigated systematically.
It is the main purpose of instrument calibration to ensure an accurate and reliable magnitude of resistivity log parameters.
The key to the realization of localization measurements in resistivity log lies in freely selecting the radial measuring range.
The geometric factor of resistivity log tool has been calculated by the transmission line equation for resistivity logging through casing.
The results indicate the effect of the transition zone and the annulus on the resistivity log interpretation is significant. This study provides a theoretical bas…
Resistivity log is the basis for the determination of lithological character and vapor oil water level and a major parameter for the calculation of geologic reserve.
It can predict any logs' curves such as resistivity log, so it could be used as detecting oil and gas. Finally we use the technique to find a favorable area rich in oil, and a trap, Gao81 east.
The imaging logging series such as dipole acoustic log and micro - resistivity scanning imaging log, etc. provides abundant basic data for the research of stress.
As a new technology method, resistivity imaging log solved many problems that can't be solved by routine logging methods, so it's broadly used in the world.
The log response of the gas reservoir is characterised by low gamma ray, self-potential reduction and high resistivity.
The flooded strata are often wrongly interpreted as oil layers by use of conventional log interpretation, mainly due to the formation water resistivity can not be determined accurately.
Therefore, a method, which determines the resistivity of formation water in flooded layers with SP log, is given in this paper.
The result of processing the actual log data of the low resistivity reservoir agree with the conclusion of the oil digging.
A new spontaneous potential log model for the case when formation resistivity is not piece - wise constant was introduced.
The log is made from resistivity, density, neutron, and sonic log data and shows porosity, secondary porosity, grain density, fluid analysis, water saturation, and formation analysis.
The 3-c induction log system can directly measure both horizontal and vertical resistivity of strata and also measure the dip Angle and azimuth of strata.
The 3-c induction log system can directly measure both horizontal and vertical resistivity of strata and also measure the dip Angle and azimuth of strata.