The holdouts want these interpreted in a way that secures them a 100% payout when Argentina next services its restructured debt.
Second, the ECB has indicated that restructured debt that is the result of a default will not be eligible as collateral at the central bank while new loans that are voluntarily made will be.
In future the commission (along with the IMF) is to decide if a country seeking a bail-out is insolvent and so needs its debt restructured.
The country has defaulted on its external debt and had to renege on a $29m interest coupon of its eurobond of $2.3 billion, which had already been restructured twice.
After years of painfully slow progress earlier this decade, the nation's banks finally cleaned up their mountains of bad debt and companies restructured to regain their health.
Earlier in November, for example, Ukraine's state railway firm, Ukrzaliznytsya, failed to repay part of a syndicated loan, and its energy firm, Naftogaz, restructured its debt.
In the case which the amounts payable in the future is more than the carrying amount of the debt restructured, the FASB regulates it as the debt restructuring and measures it with actual rates.
The difference between the book value of the debt to be restructured and total amount of the fair value of the shares shall be included in the current profits and losses.
How deeply Greece's private debt is restructured will ultimately depend on how far the Germans push and how much the European Central Bank (ECB), which has long opposed any debt write-down, resists.
Article 9 When a debt is liquidated by cash, the creditor shall include the difference between the book balance of the debt to be restructured and the cash received in the current profits and losses.
Greek bond yields are spiking because European policymakers now seem to be acknowledging what this newspaper has long argued was inevitable: Greece's debt will need to be restructured.
Greek bond yields are spiking because European policymakers now seem to be acknowledging what this newspaper has long argued was inevitable: Greece's debt will need to be restructured.