Thee labor agreement permits staff reductions through attrition and provides increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program to speed the attrition process.
Yet it is simply unfair to continue to force young people to participate in a compulsory retirement program when they could do a much better job of preparing for their own retirements.
Most of China's recent space achievements, like its manned space program, began long after Mr. Qian's retirement.
People in Washington often talk as if there were a program called Socialsecuritymedicareandmedicaid, then focus on things like raising the retirement age.
With Yao Ming, China's greatest basketball player, now officially in retirement, his contributions to the men's national basketball program have been remembered.
More than 500 staff opted for voluntary early retirement under a program offered earlier this year, said Harvard President Drew Faust.
An upgrade program for Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft was canceled, with the aircraft abruptly sent to retirement.
It will then be sent off to the Smithsonian for retirement as NASA shuts down the shuttle program.
The combinations of two analytical methods, give us an objective, direct awareness, and then come to the feasibility conclusion of the program of postponing retirement age.
The combinations of two analytical methods, give us an objective, direct awareness, and then come to the feasibility conclusion of the program of postponing retirement age.