The trend, which has taken place over the past generation, represents a reversal of fortune for women.
As with any highflying stock, though, a few investors are actively betting on a reversal of fortune.
The reversal of fortune has been abrupt for former magnet states such as Florida and Nevada (see chart).
I was also slow to recognise the reversal of fortune for the dollar and gave back a large portion of our profits.
So does this mean that other apparently discredited technological prophecies might also benefit from a similar reversal of fortune?
Reversal of Fortune was based on a book by Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who defended Mr Von Bulow and also acted for OJ Simpson.
The currency and banking crises have caused a swift reversal of fortune for Icelanders, per capita once one of the world's wealthiest people.
Young people today are staring at a future in which they will be less well off than their elders, a reversal of fortune that should send a shudder through everyone.
In another reversal of fortune, China, because of its closed financial sector, has been largely shielded from the toxic mortgage-backed securities that brought down many of the world's Banks.
Conservationists say this is a significant reversal in fortune of the tiger, which not so long ago was threatened with extinction in India.
Conservationists say this is a significant reversal in fortune of the tiger, which not so long ago was threatened with extinction in India.