Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.
Improved Ada reverse engineering.
Creating database models using reverse engineering.
You may choose to do a reverse engineering based on a DDL file as well.
Next, the reverse engineering process was undertaken iteratively (R6).
The diagram in Figure 8 shows the revised gateway design after reverse engineering.
UML modeling tools for code generation and reverse engineering are also used widely.
Specify that you want to create the model by reverse engineering a DB2 9.7 database.
指定需要通过对DB 2 9.7数据库进行反向工程来创建模型。
You can also update diagrams created through reverse engineering with changes in code..
The reverse engineering was fairly effective at parsing out relationships between classes.
In addition, the reverse engineering of Ada code is improved so that it USES Ada designs better.
Improved reverse engineering and round trip operations better handle the following code statement.
You now have a data model created based on reverse engineering from a database or from a DDL script.
In later parts of the project, similar circumstances arose in which reverse engineering was a big help.
MoDisco intensively USES MDE principles and techniques to improve existing approaches for reverse engineering.
Reverse engineering and visual trace are additional processes that help teams harvest existing intellectual capital.
There would be no reverse engineering or model-code synchronization, as the source in this approach is always the model.
Provide the information needed, then choose the Create from reverse engineering option, and select Next (see Figure 28).
提供所需的信息,然后选择Createfromreverse engineering选项,并选择Next(如图28所示)。
The first step we followed when we did reverse engineering was to set the CLASSPATH environment variable from within Windows.
当我们进行逆向工程时的第一个步骤是在Windows 中设置CLASSPATH环境变量。
Reverse engineering provides the ability to connect to databases and source code, which you can then render into visual models.
Create from reverse engineering: Create a data model based on the information retrieved during the reverse engineering process.
Createfromreverse engineering:根据反向工程过程中获得的信息创建一个数据模型。
Following a different development approach, you are able to create your domain objects by simply reverse engineering the database.
There are many software tools that help software engineers to accomplish this either by forward engineering or reverse engineering.
The more important software insights will be gained in part from the reverse engineering of the human brain, a process well under way.
Note that this atomic domain is defined as DOUBLE, while the data type for the database column (determined using reverse engineering) is a BIGINT.
注意,这个原子域被定义为DOUBLE,而数据库列(由反向工程决定)的数据类型为 BIGINT。
Reverse engineering preserves initialization of associations by creating attributes with initial values to leverage that information from the code.
The data model may be developed top-down solely based on business requirements or bottom-up through reverse engineering of existing data structures.
The sequence diagram shows what happens inside of a method by reverse engineering the code and visually displaying which objects and messages are exchanged.
This capability is enabled for C and C++ code by applying the "codecCentric" settings to the model, and it occurs automatically when reverse engineering code.
通过对模型应用“”设置,该功能对于C和 C++ 也是适用的,当操作的是逆向工程代码时,它会自动发生。
Model Driven Reverse Engineering (MDRE) is about switching from the heterogeneous world of implementation technologies to the homogeneous world of models.