The main message coming from the revised data was that the recession was even deeper than previously reported.
The U. K. is to release revised data on fourth quarter growth, as well as figures on the current account and net lending.
If we USES the overall optimization, it will bring a lot of unnecessary cost calculation, and will make some which should not be revised data points have been revised.
The structure of the information systems was described with objects-related diagram. As for the discussion on all the object processes, the revised data flow diagram was also involved.
For example, if hidden attributes are discovered to be embedded in a text string during data profiling, then these can be made explicit in a revised canonical data model.
Webber says that the study is based on old data badly that needs to be revised.
They worry that this revision of the statistics will lead a confused public to question all mortality data, as happened when the numbers for AIDS were revised downward in 2007.
She, however, does dare and has a paper in preparation that proposes a revised taxonomy for the group using the latest genetic and morphological data.
This systematic function is more complete, including data entry, the salary is calculated, the data are revised and the record is inquired about, the module of the data exported, and so on.
Official data showed GDP rising by just 1.3% at an annual rate in the second quarter and by a revised 0.4% in the first three months.
The January data was not only a bit worse than anticipated, but December's job losses were revised upward.
You could simply wrap the whole thing in a loop, and keep moving data a piece at a time until the whole string has been processed. Here's the revised code to do this.
Since GDP measured by income should equal GDP measured by spending, the poor income data suggest the GDP figures may have to be revised down.
Notice that you didn't have to change a single line of Listing 4 to access the revised configuration data.
The "advance estimate" is based mainly on data from the first two months in the quarter (extrapolating the third month), and may thus be revised when more data become available.
Many, but not all, tabulations have been revised as a result of a reevaluation of the data.
As shown in Listing 5, the revised INSERT statement invokes the XMLValidate function before specifying a parameter marker for the XML data.
The parameters and model were verified and revised on the basis of monitoring data.
In conventional accounting, the accounting data must be revised and reclassified if they are to be used in cost control.
It has been revised several times and now includes capabilities for handling structured data, dynamic data allocation, recursions (procedures that call themselves), and other features.
Statistics on poverty population in rural areas are based on the newly revised rural poverty line, which is incomparable with historical data.
These models must be constantly revised as new data is added from many observations.
Some scientists suspect the SORCE data may be exaggerating the sun's variability, and if they were revised the link might go away.
Revised GDP data show that corporate interest payments were higher than earlier reported during 1999-2001.
Flight path data was loaded on spot, and the flight orbit was revised in real time, remote measurement and control signal was sent out.
Flight path data was loaded on spot, and the flight orbit was revised in real time, remote measurement and control signal was sent out.