FCKeditor: An extensible browser-based rich text editor.
Fonts do not appear correctly in HTML conversion of Rich Text Editor files.
This directory includes the files that run the Rich Text Editor in the Write Post panel.
RMC provides you with a convenient rich text editor capability for building your process content.
It also supplies a rich text editor that supports image and file attachments to improve test readability.
A problem where the rich text editor wasn't being loaded due to compression issues has been worked around.
To facilitate authoring this content, click on the rich text editor icon to the left of the Main Description.
The patch provided with this demo ensures that the resulting content from the rich text editor will update the XML instance properly.
The rich text editor enables your users to edit text through standard functions such as typing text, selecting fonts, and underlining.
Every form field can be expanded into a full-sized rich text editor that allows you to format text, work with tables, include images, and so on.
This will enable better accessibility of the layout containers and some of the more complicated widgets such as the combobox and the rich text editor.
The Twist Scenario editor is essentially a rich text editor that gives business users a lot of flexibility to write whatever is contextually relevant for a test.
By following some of the integration rules defined by XForms, XBL, and a rich text editor, the end result is a simple and powerful addition to the XForms set of controls.
For example, a WebSphere Portal user can convert a Microsoft Word file to RTE format (Rich text Editor format, used by document Manager to create text documents) using DCS.
While the Editor2 widget in the Dojo Toolkit offers a rich and extensible set of plugins for a rich text editor, there were some small changes required for the purposes of this sample.
DojoToolkit中的Editor 2部件针对富文本编辑器提供了丰富的可扩展插件集,为了实现本文的演示目的,需要做一些细微的改动。
A built-in rich-text editor allows you to include rich text such as images, hyperlinks, and formatting in each announcement detail.
For example, to edit the documentation in the Model Editor using Linux, click the edit button underneath the documentation block to display a dialog that will allow you to edit the rich text.
When creating a new message in Lite mode, a light version of the rich-text editor is available that has most of the same features as Full mode (see figure 11).
When creating a new message in Lite mode, a light version of the rich-text editor is available that has most of the same features as Full mode (see figure 11).