I can think of three meanings for the word train right off the top of my head.
His pitch was simple: Cut 10 percent to 15 percent right off the top of the fees being billed.
The "right tone at the top" and "good governance." Although these phrases are often brushed off as meaningless, in the midst of crisis, these phrases sound both sweet and powerful.
To top it off, whenever they fed their baby during the day, they would use the PDA to enter how sleepy they felt right then.
Right on top of the pile sat a handsome young woman As Gabriel was watching,the cart stopped at the top of the hill,and the driver climbed down to go back and fetch some-thing that had fallen off.
当盖伯瑞尔正盯着看时,马车在山顶停了下来。 车夫爬下马车,回去拣掉了的东西。
We just go through the list top to bottom, left to right, and cross names off as we go.
She would work the slack lace to the top, knot it tightly and then trim off the excess lace right at the knot.
Right on top of the pile sat a handsome young woman as Gabriel was watching, the cart stopped at the top of the hill, and the driver climbed down to go back and fetch some-thing that had fallen off.
Right on top of the pile sat a handsome young woman as Gabriel was watching, the cart stopped at the top of the hill, and the driver climbed down to go back and fetch some-thing that had fallen off.