The Latin manuscript might have been penned hundreds of years earlier and then these explanatory notes added right there on the old pages either crowded between the lines or off in the margin.
We have an opera going on there, 24 hours a day, right off the greatest city in the planet.
So in that case — like here, there's an app that's bigger than the phone's screen — the shape of the phone could tell you, "Okay, off the screen right here, there is more content."
What if there were a way to auction off the right to use the road at various times?
And the beans were practically right outside the door, so I just pull one off and stand there and eat them and think of her.
There was also controversy late in the first period when Paul Scholes, who had already been booked, cynically blocked off the run of Wilson Palacios by the right touchline.
Veterinarians and others involved in the rescue rushed to New Jersey to examine a young Northern Right Whale found dead off Long Island hoping there would be clues to the sedation in an autopsy.
Don't let this close you off, remember this just means that wasn't the right person, circumstances or perhaps even a little closer to home, there were other things going wrong.
That may or may not be the right thing to do. But it is absurd to pretend that there is no trade-off “between our safety and our ideals”.
There were large lava rocks scattered here and there and a small scoop of a cave off to the right.
The scenario is unreal, of course, because we could never shut off our oil supply in a day, and in any case, there are trillions of barrels of the stuff still in the ground, right?
It is a shame that the fourth tree is almost clipped off, and there is just a little too much space to the left which, because of the clipped tree, isn't balanced on the right.
The man says: “You go right up there and tell him off – go ahead, I’ll hold your monkey for you.”
那个男人说:“你直接过去,叫他闭嘴。 -你去吧,猴子我帮你抱着。”
In his words, "my right eye is stinging like crazy" which really sucks because in space, tears "don't fall off of your eye... they kind of stay there."
"We haven't written it off, because there are some new things happening around OSGi," but right now, Mason says OSGi is not a good technology for the average end user.
All right, we're going to make it rather dark in order to get decent quality. I'm going to turn 2 five of these off and I'm going to set the TV at two, and now I will start this. There we go.
There were 27,000 southern right whales off the coast of New Zealand in the 1800s, 30 times as many as there are now.
There were 27, 000 southern right whales off the coast of New Zealand in the 1800s, 30 times as many as there are now.
Is the Expo Center still far off? You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor.
Sometimes, we need to see the reality of poverty right in front of us to really believe it's there, especially if we live in a financially well-off part of a city.
Or if some elders needed to get off a little ways before the bus stop, the driver would often stop right there so they wouldn't have to walk so far.
You can get off the bus at the next crossroads. The hospital is right over there.
A rude driver who just cut you off has left the scene-work to put your anger on hold right then and there.
There, over in the sky, you probably won't be able to see it here, there is an interceptor missile taking off right now, that is the Iron Dome interceptor, right?
Sorry Allen, I forgot to turn off the TV and there is on one in my apartment, So I'll get right on it.
That's right, near the spot where there was one of the explosions, a lot of people are wondering if that was one of the parcels that may have been dropped off here, that blew up.
To help me with this, there are six characteristics in a conversation with a job applicant I mentally tick-off in order to identify the right person for the job.
To help me with this, there are six characteristics in a conversation with a job applicant I mentally tick-off in order to identify the right person for the job.