The competent authorities reserve the right to revoke this ARC.
Modern trends of consensing often act as the giving the right to revoke, appointments and so on.
Shows that the nature of the grant contract, grant any person the right to revoke the exercise of great significance.
If its credit rating drops sharply, the banks have the right to revoke the loan—and Wyeth could walk off with a $4.5 billion break-up fee.
However, some Saab models, including its flagship 9-5 saloon car, are based on GM technology and GM has retained the right to revoke the licences.
然而,一些萨博车型,包括旗舰车型9 - 5轿车,都是基于通用技术研制。通用有权吊销执照。
This scheme meets the requirement of blind proxy signature, while the third party is easy to revoke a supposed signature and cancel the right of a supposed signer.
The Distributor shall revoke its application for registration unconditionally, if already registered, this right shall be transferred to the Manufacturer free of charge.
The Distributor shall revoke its application for registration unconditionally, if already registered, this right shall be transferred to the Manufacturer free of charge.