When they split up, they both claimed to be the rightful owner of the comic book.
Local inhabitants haven't the slightest doubt as to who is the rightful owner.
An inheritance is in abeyance when the rightful owner has not been determined.
I think you should return it to its rightful owner or put it in the lost and found.
It was a point of honour with the washwoman to return the wash to its rightful owner.
A lift with good intentions means the free passenger gets a ride with the consent of the rightful owner of the vehicle. It is free of charge and can promote feelings for each other.
As she learned to return the energy to the rightful owner, retrieve her own energy flow, and disentwine emotional bodies, the result was a feeling of self-love and empowerment within.
Twice more that day she was passed along, arriving in Lincoln, Nebraska, after dark and so tired that she curled up in the first doggie bed she saw despite the growls of its rightful owner.
Three hours on, the camera was back with its rightful owner, a grateful 16-year-old French tourist who was staying at the New Yorker Hotel, a stone's throw away from where the camera had been found.
Three hours on, the camera was back with its rightful owner, a grateful 16-year-old French tourist who was staying at the New Yorker Hotel, a stone's throw away from where the camera had been found.