If we minimize rise time we increase overshoot, and viceversa.
In the case of large resistors and capacitance, the rise time can range up to minutes.
Thus, even large values of capacitance shunting the input will have negligible effect on rise time.
Rise time affects the accuracy of the measurement when it's of the same order of magnitude as the period of the measurement.
Adopting gate resistance increased the rise time of edge, and adopting low output resistance of driver reduced the fall time.
The rise time and bandwidth, the former term is the time domain, frequency domain, which is the term, they are closely linked.
When a rise time, the other to slide down from the height, the fate of the two alternating This is a life that is so ups and downs.
Pulse power with fast rise time technology was applied in many fields such as nuclear physics, electron beam, accelerator, laser, HPM etc.
If we plot percent overshoot versus rise time we will generate a series of points, each of which corresponds to a different set of PID gains.
There out, the static index (steady- state error) and the dynamic index (overshoot and rise time) of auto kinetic control system can be fix on.
The characteristics of Q-switched pulses with different rise time of AOM regulated by the laser beam size along the window of AOM are presented.
Parametric measurements measure waveform properties such as rise time, fall time, overshoot, period, and amplitude on either a pulse waveform or an eye diagram.
The four common ultrasonic methods for measuring Q value in the laboratory, rise time, pulse echo, spectral ration and waveform inversion techniques are reviewed.
An approach for the calculation of the worst-case dispersion penalty of multimode fiber links was derived. The approach is expressed by 10%-90% rise time of the system.
Meanwhile, PWM inverters using high switching frequency device that shortens the rise time of PWM output pulse have been widely applied in high-speed AC driving locomotive.
The width of the reflection pulse is increased and its amplitude reduced as the rise time of incident wave delays, which may to some extent be good for the detection of insulation faults.
If the length of time allowed before taking the reading is equal to the rise time, an error of approximately 10% will result, since the signal will have reached only 90% of its final value.
The sea may rise or the land may fall; either way the sand dunes will be gone in a short time.
Even though one or two degree Celsius rise in sea surface temperature for a relatively short amount of time can cause bleaching.
The web has allowed new providers of news, from individual bloggers to sites, to rise to prominence in a very short space of time.
Prices fluctuate, in response to harvests, natural disasters and political instability; and when they rise, it takes some time before new sources of supply become available.
Their fears were not unfounded—the mean age at first marriage did rise—but in time, approximately 92 percent of these Southern-born white women found someone to partner with.
This time, the rise in the gold price is more modest - so far - but the irrationality of investors is, if anything, greater.
The fundamental reason why equity prices rise over time, for example, is that they are linked to the goods and services being produced by companies.
This price rise comes at a time when enrolment is falling; for American mid-level schools it is down 20% over the decade.
This price rise comes at a time when enrolment is falling; for American mid-level schools it is down 20% over the decade.