Duplicating the text layer for the Rollover state.
Duration: 12 UP TO 60 - months, with rollover, and extensions.
For an incremental backup, the rollover happens at the very beginning.
Will enable the body a whole rollover, can effectively prevent bedsores.
The rollover accident happened at a curve just 9 km from the start point.
Fix the CSS rollover problem user login panel, its correctly not working.
Using the same sprite class, and same image, we are going to create a simple rollover icon.
The file rollover option is enabled by default when you are saving trace data to a file.
If you visit the site, you can see that this rollover has some nice and soft animated transitions.
The client performs a unicast protocol rollover and then connects to the stream by using TCP.
To stop the trace after you have reached the file size limit, disable the file rollover option.
A large number of fatal injuries from tractors tipping over led to the design of rollover bars.
You should periodically archive the logs or use automatic rollover to avoid running out of space.
The row cell has a couple of script handlers—onmouseover and onmouseout—to provide rollover effects.
They conducted their first rollover test in 1959. -in 1960, they patented the safety steering system.
Mobile Portal supports Audio, Chart, Dynamic Visual, Image, Link, Rollover Image, Script, and Text components.
Figure 5 shows you the final version of the node element Flex control, complete with its rollover focus rectangle.
Rollover debits or credits will be reflected in the Customer's Account at a time after the normal close of the business day for SNC.
For women, rollover accidents increased the likelihood of fatality by 523 percent for older women and only 116 percent for young women.
The rectangle and text elements react to the different events, such as moving the mouse and clicking, to create a simple rollover effect.
矩形和文本元素对不同的事件 --如移动鼠标和单击 --做出反应,产生一种简单的滚动效果。
A number of enhancements were also included for web use, including the addition of rollover effects for images and a web gallery feature.
If the name assigned to a new rollover file is already used by an existing file, the existing file is overwritten unless it is read-only.
Hence, "contextual." Unlike inline help, contextual help usually relates to the entire page, and it can appear without a click or rollover.
Another common feature was the "rollover link," where an image or text color of a link would be changed when the user rolled their mouse over it.
From here, you can select the SystemOut.log file under the log file rollover issue case that you imported into the IBM Support Assistant earlier.
从这里,可以选择您前面导入到IBMSupportAssistant中的logfilerolloverissue案例下的SystemOut . log文件。
The Recommendation and actions tab shows you that the log file rollover threshold was reached, but some problem prevented successful rollover.
Recommendation andactions选项卡显示达到了日志文件结转阈值,但是某个问题影响了成功的转接。
“In real-world driving, that situation could lead to a rollover accident, which could cause serious injury or death”, Consumer Reports concluded.
Mr Sarkozy has resisted Mrs Merkel's view that some pain should be imposed on private-sector bondholders, preferring a voluntary rollover scheme.
Mr Sarkozy has resisted Mrs Merkel's view that some pain should be imposed on private-sector bondholders, preferring a voluntary rollover scheme.