As a result, many Americans were inveterately restless, rootless, and ambitious people.
Like the rootless duckweed, after floating and then joined to the sea.
The method manufactures the curtain by hanging rootless plants which are the air plants uniformly.
This is because demolishing traditional architecture would render modern people rootless and disoriented.
When we plant a rose in earth, we notice it is small but we don't criticize it as "rootless and stemless".
Even the prose is weirdly rootless: the multicultural argot of global VIPs who spend their lives at 35,000 feet.
A hornito is a small rootless spatter cone that forms on the surface of a basaltic lava flow (usually pahoehoe).
Thus, the construction and "the hope" of their communicative theories would become a dream of rootless "Utopia".
You reduce both Western Civ and alternative canons to the same deracinated, rootless sort of nature as cultural capital.
Minute rootless aquatic herbs having globular fronds floating on or near the water surface and bearing one flower per frond .
On the basis of the genetical mechanism of rootless gold orebody, this paper put forward the searching methods of primary g...
Typical office hierarchies don't apply: Managers like Farrar, who oversee teams of hundreds of artists on big films, are rootless.
The moon does not fall on a long, rootless than spring snow. I send three thousand pieces of white snow, you should have a red bean.
On the basis of the genetical mechanism of rootless gold orebody, this paper put forward the searching methods of primary gold orebody.
This article describe the authorial experience and reaction about the rootless modern society through secularization, daily and fragmentation.
The theme of Yu's work is the "rootless generation" and the "waking generation" and a criticism of the evils of the eastern and western cultures.
They dwell generally at the bottom of the urban society, living out a career as servants , a silent class, a rootless class and a peripheral class.
Through the ages, American literary masterpieces, such as "Moby Dick" and "the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", have been peopled with eccentric, rootless outsiders.
In any country rootless young males spell trouble; in Asian societies, where marriage and children are the recognised routes into society, single men are almost like outlaws.
Therefore, it is imperative for Singapore to ensure that cultures of East and West complement each other for its own good, since a "rootless" society would be in great peril.
Callus was formed and differentiated into numerous rootless plantlets, which were induced to rooting. After hardening off, the rooting plantlets were transplanted to nursery.
It is fabulous to see girls and young women poised for success in the coming years. But allowing generations of boys to grow up feeling rootless and obsolete is not a recipe for a peaceful future.
It is fabulous to see girls and young women poised for success in the coming years. But allowing generations of boys to grow up feeling rootless and obsolete is not a recipe for a peaceful future.