That this pump is suitable in carries not Hans solid anything small and roundish has corrosiveness liquid.
Large oblong or roundish melon with a hard green rind and sweet watery red or occasionally yellowish pulp.
A cylindrical medulla is present in the centre of each bundle and packed loosely with roundish medulla cells.
American plant with roundish heart-shaped or kidney-shaped leaves; usually rooted in muddy bottoms of ponds and ditches.
Marshmallow, known scientifically as Althaea officinalis, is an African plant with short roundish leaves and small pale flowers.
Results Meningiomas of the ventricles had characteristic MRI appearances: (1) The tumor tended to be roundish in shape (8/10), with clear boundary.
Their other name, mola mola, is — it sounds Hawaiian, but it's actually Latin for millstone, and that's attributable to their roundish, very bizarre, cut-off shape.
它们的另一个名字,mola mola,听起来像夏威夷语,实际上却是拉丁语中“磨石”的意思,这与它们那圆形,很怪异,似乎被切割了一样的形状有关。
Their other name, mola mola, is — it sounds Hawaiian, but it's actually Latin for millstone, and that's attributable to their roundish, very bizarre, cut-off shape.
它们的另一个名字,mola mola,听起来像夏威夷语,实际上却是拉丁语中“磨石”的意思,这与它们那圆形,很怪异,似乎被切割了一样的形状有关。