The framework selects the first route in the route table that matches the URI.
Route table management is a process that helps users get a handle on the thousands of network routes that are available.
Some switches generate a route table that includes the IP address of the host and the MAC address of the adapter that owns the IP address.
This paper gives several solutions of multicast route table lookup based on source-based route structure. And it gives experiment results and performance comparisons.
If the route table lookup shows that the packet is destined for a non-local subnet, the router forwards the packet to the next-hop router using the next-hop router's MAC address.
If the route table lookup shows that the packet is destined for a nonlocal subnet, the router forwards the packet to the next-hop router using the next-hop router's MAC address.
The routing protocol will build and maintain the route table for the sensor nodes in the sensor network. For the sensor node, the route table is used for forwarding the packets.
A router may create or maintain a table of the available routes and their conditions and use this information along with distance and cost algorithms to determine the best route for a given packet.
Each router's routing table shows the best route to the destination address; for addresses that may be several hops away, it shows the best next-hop router.
Then, update the application's routing table and set up a catch-all route for the new XML output type (Listing 12).
Also update the application's routing table to add a new route for this Action, as in Listing 1.
You should also add a new route for this CreateAction to the application routing table ( Listing 1)
您还需要将这个CreateAction 的一个新路由添加到应用程序的路由表(参见 清单1)
Based on the information in the routing table that your host USES, route get will tell you the gateway the packets will be routed to when leaving your host on the way to the target.
This route, placed at the top of the routing table, matches all requests ending with the.xml suffix and sets them up to use the XML output type. That's not all it does though.
This route, placed at the top of the routing table, matches all requests ending with the.json suffix and sets them up to use the json output type. That's not all it does though.
You can mark up every route definition in the application's routing table with an output_type attribute, which specifies the output type to be used for that particular route. Here's an example.
您可以使用一个output _ type属性标记每个路由定义,该属性指定某个特定的路由将使用的输出类型。
The link state table is used to determine the most appropriate route for a message, based on cost and availability.
He led them up the steep slope out of the river valley and then slightly to the right - apparently by the very same route which they had used that afternoon in coming from the Hill of the Stone Table.
This information is used to route the message to its correct destination in the network. Table 2 lists some main fields in MQXQH.
This paper introduces an interspace-business system, IBS for financial industry, which is based on the aspects of virtual table, transformation, communication mechanism, route mechanism and so on.
By this way, all packets from the upstream node with the same label will be transmitted in same route according to the entry of the forwarding table.
By this way, all packets from the upstream node with the same label will be transmitted in same route according to the entry of the forwarding table.