The EMEA's recommendations go to the European Commission, which is expected to rubber-stamp them within days.
The summit was supposed to rubber-stamp a package of measures to settle the tension affecting the euro area, but developments in Portugal have cast a shadow.
But the simple fact is that changing one's name bu the 'Usage' method-using the new name exclusively - is just as legal as going to court and having a judge rubber-stamp the new name.
In post offices, virtually every document that's passed across the counter is stamped with a rubber stamp.
Parliament is seen as a rubber stamp for decisions made elsewhere.
Biro later noted that he had spent only a "few hours" in Pollock's studio, in the "presence of staff," making it impossible for him to have made a rubber stamp.
Using a pencil, trace your stencils and use an x-acto knife to slowly cut out the design. or, we used our rubber stamp collection to stamp on the bags in white, let dry and cut around the stamp.
用铅笔描出你的模板图样,然后用X - ACTO笔刀慢慢地把图样切出或者,可以用橡皮章在袋子上印出白色图样,干燥后再切割。
Secondly, when you use the rubber stamp tool to choose the right paint brush is also very important.
With any luck the committee will merely rubber stamp our application without discussing it in detail.
Parliament's job is to rubber - stamp his decisions.
Please put the completed Form 26, together with any further reports required, into this envelope. Please seal it and place your signature or rubBer stamp over the junction of flap and envelope.
The employer used his secretary as a rubber stamp and never listened to any of her own Suggestions.
The employer used his secretary as a rubber stamp and never listened to any of her own Suggestions.