So if Alice and Bob are lucky in how they choose their axes, they should be able to force the particles either to disagree or to violate the 1-0-1 rule - contrary to experimental evidence.
因此如果Alice和Bob精心选择测量轴,他们就能够迫使两个粒子要么回答不一致,要么违反1 - 0 - 1法则——这些都与实验证据不符。
However, we find that relatively weak passwords, about 20 bits or so, are sufficient to make brute-force attacks on a single account unrealistic so long as a “three strikes” type rule is in place.
然而,我们发现,长度约为20个字符左右、相对较“弱”的密码也已经能够使得针对单一账户的暴力破解变得不现实:只要有“三振出局”的规范即可。 (译者注:原文的“threestrikes”typerule 指的应该是连续三次输入错误密码就会暂时锁死账户,具体可参考此处。)
Research in this paper is about the alternative rule of the axial force of supporting pole with different support height during the period of casting concrete through field detection.
Based on the cutting experiment, the changing rule of the cutting force in the high-speed milling of casting aluminum ZL101 by the end mill with three edges is discussed.
Magnetic field distribution, magnetic field force and stock removal rule have been especially investigated, at the same time, corresponding experimental analysis is carried out in this paper.
So the research in this paper is about the internal force variation rule of the frame-supported beam of wall body, which based on some mature investigative experience at difference models.
Lastly, we have no sort of experience in favor of force as an instrument in the rule of our colonies.
A spokesman with the Beijing Municipal Education Commission said the rule is still in force.
In this paper, investigations were made on the influence of uneven settlements of supports on space truss, and the rule of variation of internal force within the truss was also studied.
Based on the theory of plasticity, the variety rule of internal pressure and axial force in the process of thin tube bulge forming is studied.
Mud however has an incredible suction force on a stuck vehicle and in many cases that 1.5 rule of thumb is far inadequate.
泥,但有一个令人难以置信的吸力队的一滞留车辆和在许多情况下, 1.5法则是远远不够的。
The publics faith in law is the driving force to the course of the rule of law of China.
According to simplifying rule of force system, the force suffered by a coil carrying current in magnetic field, can be summed up to a resultant of magnetic forces and a total moment of magnetic force.
The installation of lights with ranges prescribed in Rule 22, until four years after the date of entry into force of these Regulations.
The installation of lights with ranges prescribed in Rule 22, until four years after the date of entry into force of these Regulations.