Rule Number One for driving on icy roads is to drive smoothly.
Rule number one, don't bother sucking up. I already hate you, that's not gonna change.
If portability is rule number one for the NetBSD community, security doesn't sit far behind.
I would modify it to read something like this: Rule number one: The customer is always right.
Now you realize there is no taboo in his mind. Rule number one, three buttons loosen up minimum.
通行的规则只有两条 :首先,至少解开三粒扣子;
Yet when trouble hits, he says, people always seem to embrace a second rule: Forget rule number one.
When photographing panoramas, rule number one is to shoot all images from exactly the same viewpoint.
"Rule number one is to take immediate measures so you can stay in the game," says Mike Speiser of Sutter Hill Ventures, another VC firm.
“Rule number one is to take immediate measures so you can stay in the game, ” says Mike Speiser of Sutter Hill Ventures, another VC firm.
Day-time cooking at Gombe requires House Rule Number One, which is to keep the door shut because the baboons push past you to get to the food.
For instance, when I made the rule that a numeric instruction would set the fitness to that number, the DNA dropped all other instructions in favor of the numeric one.
The rule to be tested is: “If a card shows an even number on one side, then it is red on the other.”
It is one of a number of films being put together to celebrate 60 years of communist rule.
Another rule for a task's granularity is that it usually affects one or only a small number of work products.
The rule to be tested is: “If a card shows an even number on one side, then it is red on the other.
One rule of thumb: don't have more advisers than the number of people on your management team.
The number one rule is absolutely do not, repeat do not, use petroleum based products on succulents.
The maximum number of rule reevaluation iterations within one policy execution cycle. The default is 65536.
After the analysis of the principle of "fall one or leave", it is pointed out that the number of rules in rule inference would be variable.
The number one rule for consistently doing what you say is to keep from over committing.
In some cities, for example, couples are allowed an extra child if both parents are only children — an increasing number after 30 years of the one-child rule.
On one hand, one rule limits the women's colleges to300 members, and on the other hand, another rule allows the total number of women to be1/50 of the male undergraduate population .
Romantic Rule: If you're on date number one and aren't having fun, release men back into the wild immediately.
A good rule of thumb is to order at least one more dish than the number of people at the table. Two or three is even better - so you get to try more things.
The number one rule of wiki editing, is to 'be bold'. Dive in and make changes.
The number one rule of wiki editing, is to 'be bold'. Dive in and make changes.