The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China.
Run along now, sonny; mummy wants to have a rest.
The curtain hooks run along a slot in the curtain rail.
"When I run along the Thames, I try to be back by 8 a. m. , " said Mr.
No, dear, run along, and bring me some coffee. I'm so tired I can't stir.
In sunny days, you can happily run along the zigzag paths among the fields.
Voucher programmes in several American states have been run along similar lines.
Vouchers programmes in several American states have been run along similar lines.
To me, a walk or run along the river trail is serenity at the end of a hectic day.
Thus, don't over-rely on your training partner to always be there to run along with you.
I run along the beach, catching waves with one foot and dodging them with the other.
It's flat and almost entirely traversable if you use the dedicated bike paths that run along the beach.
If you wait too long before removing the tape, a sharp razor blade run along the edge will do the trick.
Goat - Thank you, Mr. Wolf. You like to eat goats as well as grass. I will stay up here. Run along, Mr. Wolf.
These strips can run along the wall, or along the tops of desks, or sink into the surface of a conference table.
Polyethylene tubing is typically run along a row of plants in a landscaped area, then connected to a water supply.
Towards the rear of the house, where the bedroom and bathroom are located, the blocks run along the top edge of a wall.
A concrete staircase is suspended diagonally across the centre of the space, while other staircases run along the walls.
They may be more inclined to run along the length of a playroom than to join a group of kids playing together in the middle.
As a child I loathed rugby, particularly a drill where you had to run along a line of crouched boys who would tackle you in turn.
Autogeneous CO2 laser welding were run along the butt between two materials using sets of parameters power and travel speed.
Beneath the wing-shaped steel roofs, concrete benches run along the walls to provide visitors with shelter from the elements.
The staff members explained that since it was the first trial run along the whole line, the speed was set at a very low level.
In floating offshore operations, the choke and kill lines exit the subsea BOP stack and run along the outside of the riser to the surface.
Two rivers run along the community property with crystal clear water and large, flowing waterfalls that often encourage visitors to dive in.
Why It's Unique: About 23 miles worth of 2-foot-gaugetrack run along the MailRail, which is 70 feet below the hustle andbustle of London's streets.
独特之处:约23英里长,2英尺直径的轨沿道线“MailRail” 邮政铁路,运行在伦敦喧嚣都市的大街小巷下70英尺的地下。
Passive solar louvres that run along the length of the living area allow for winter sun to penetrate the space while keeping it out in summer.
The Cruxlux window is fairly busy and clicking certain items (like the topical slides the run along the top) cause different actions to happen.
At the end of the build process, the PJCL that was created and run along with all output is stored in the user view where the build was initiated.
At the end of the build process, the PJCL that was created and run along with all output is stored in the user view where the build was initiated.