If a lion or a tiger attacks you in Big Bend National Park, you can run away quickly.
Some people often show how brave they are and how strong they are, but when a disaster comes, they always run away quickly and scream more loudly than any other people.
On a beach, run away from the sea and move quickly to higher ground when an earthquake happens.
We asked ourselves whether, if his students had been junior school level or even younger, he would have run away so quickly.
Identifying a vampire quickly means you can run away before he has a chance to attack.
Red-cap, however, quickly fetched great stones with which they filled the wolf's belly, and when he awoke, he wanted to run away, but the stones were so heavy that he collapsed at once, and fell dead.
Red-cap, however, quickly fetched great stones with which they filled the wolf's belly, and when he awoke, he wanted to run away, but the stones were so heavy that he collapsed at once, and fell dead.