Before running the DB2 Setup wizard, you need to define an installation user account.
在运行DB 2安装向导之前,需要定义一个安装用户帐户。
Too often, I see people give their service access to the restricted resource by running the service as an administrative account.
You can easily see your UID and GID Numbers on your AIX account by running the id command.
The performance of database persistence is also better than memory to memory replication, when not taking the extra hardware that the database is running on into account.
Files can be placed anywhere in the physical location of the server where the service account running the database server has access permissions.
By running the usermod command, you change the system account bin's UID from 2 to 5089.
The knee-jerk response to this account is to think "Aha — maybe some of those novel HAR sequences are running some new human-specific brain module or widget! Like my consciousness!"
I was able to easily install the Google + app and link my account to my first-generation HTC Droid Incredible. So far this app is running fine for me — no freezes or crashes.
我很轻松得安装了google +应用并且把它同我的第一代HTC的android手机进行了链接,所以目前为止我的手机google +应用运行得非常良好,没有短路或者瘫痪状态。
How do you federate a corporate domain with an OData Producer hosted in the cloud, so apps running under a corporate account can access the OData Producer seamlessly?
你如何把企业域环境集成到托管在云中的ODataProducer上,以便运行在企业账号下的应用程序能无缝地访问OData Producer ?
ControllerUsers nt AUTHORITY \ NETWORK SERVICE (the account running the default application pool in which Controller's virtual directories have write access).
ControllerUsersntAUTHORITY \ NET WORKSERVICE(运行默认应用程序池的帐户,Controller的虚拟目录在该池中拥有写访问权)。
The real money, however, is in running dialysis clinics and administering drugs, which account for 80% of the cost of dialysis.
When taking into account our ancient ancestors, "humans have engaged in endurance running for millions of years," the researchers wrote in their study.
Take into account your age, your level of running intensity, your overall fitness and health and even your running course's difficulty factor when seeking your average running heart rate.
In 2006 he said that emerging economies were mildly disinflationary, because by running current-account surpluses they were adding more to global supply than to demand.
Weak commodity prices could push the region into running a large current-account deficit, just as private-capital inflows decline sharply.
The crucial difference, however, is that Japan has been running current-account surpluses, not deficits.
This means that the country has to import surplus savings from abroad by running a current-account deficit.
In Europe that should be countries such as Germany and the Netherlands that were running vast current-account surpluses during the boom.
If you find yourself stuck at any of the configuration steps, make sure that the Windows User Account you're running has Administrative access.
Germany, unlike other rich countries, has avoided deindustrialisation, they point out. With a rapidly ageing population, it is also right to accumulate savings by running a current-account surplus.
Russia is running a huge current-account surplus, it is paying off the last of its debt and the rouble has just been made fully convertible.
This means someone running a personal machine through an ISP account can manage a mailing list without continuing access to the ISP's alias files.
Once the dust has settled, he says, those countries that have "done their homework", running up current-account surpluses and reserves, will see the money come back.
By eight o 'clock yesterday morning a detailed account of his thinking was running on the wire of the country's biggest news agency.
For years it has spent more than it earns, running up large, persistent current-account deficits.
The other reason for concern about China's external position is that the country is still running a huge current account surplus – near to 8 per cent of GDP.
The other reason for concern about China's external position is that the country is still running a huge current account surplus – near to 8 per cent of GDP.