Said invention is safe in operation, can save energy source, and its leaching rate of gold ore can be up to about 90%.
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) has been considered as a vital threat to the safe in operation of gas or oil transmission pipelines.
The results appear to suggest efficient and controllable gas production that responds rapidly to demand and yet is safe in operation.
The device is more convenient and safe in operation and has smaller wound and raised correctness rate of biopsy comparing with the existing technique.
The preparation method is simple and safe in operation, and has the advantages of little waste emission, low production cost and excellent product quality.
Configurations of equipment that may provide safe service at high speeds may not always provide safe operation in other environment.
In the list of actions, each interaction is either represented as a link to denote a safe interaction or as a form to denote an unsafe interaction (such as the Delete operation).
FRA believes that railroads conducting HSR operations in the United States can provide service as safe as, or safer than, any HSR operation being conducted elsewhere.
GM, which was informed of the investigation on Friday, said in a statement that the Volt "is safe and does not present undue risk as part of normal operation or immediately after a severe crash.
LFSP series pump water curtain spray chamber and exhaust pipes in addition to any other system components, so the equipment operation safe and stable performance.
The double stapling technique is safe, and easily performed for colorectal anastomosis in deep pelvis, and it can enhance the rate of anal-saving operation in low rectal carcinoma.
Conclusion: the therapeutic efficiency of this method in the treatment of gastrointestinal disturbance after abdominal operation is apparent and safe.
In order to ensure safety, the operation of this device requested by the full understanding of the contents of this guide, with the safe operation of the knowledge and skills people.
The new pattern vapor source supplying system with simplified design, easy operation and safe in use.
In order to carry out this operation safely, SECCO requires all lifting operation to be carried out in safe manner utilizing both competent personnel and proper equipment.
Tests have shown that the method can ensure a timely adjustment of air-coal ratio under the precondition of ensuring boiler safe operation, thereby resulting in an optimized operation of the boiler.
Safe and environmentally benign operation without acid smell in the laboratory is another major feature!
As for present boiler burning, it is not a big problem to keep boiler in safe operation.
The paper introduces some practice and experience in safe operation and management for the lower reservoir dam of Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station.
The purpose of blending coal in proportion to different kinds of coal fuel is to adjust the fusing characteristics of coal ash to ensure the safe operation of the boiler.
But there are still many problems in the safe operation and maintenance management, such as the disturbances of commission and maintenance to the unit operation.
Responsible for systems of equipment maintenance and operation, and weak systems on time and inspection equipment, deal with equipment failures in time for ensure the safe operation.
A fail-safe backup system ensures reliable operation, even if a fault develops in the main circuit.
The separation of generator design (primary) and protection (secondary) can produce the hidden trouble in safe operation of generator.
Network reconfiguration and capacitor switching are two important measures to decrease network loss and ensure safe and economic operation in power distribution automation.
The data test and practice show that the reformed system is safe and reliable in operation, accurate in metering, convenient to maintain and operation as well as management.
In case of urban road development process often beneath existing railway overpass project, the rational design of rainwater pump station is the key element of safe operation in crossing engineering.
This paper is concern about the data mining research in the safe structure operation of the large port machine.
This paper is concern about the data mining research in the safe structure operation of the large port machine.