Operation safety responsibility inside test bench, ensure complying with JHSH safety code, report potential safety risk and hazard.
Instead of settling the dispute about traffic accident, the promulgation and implement of traffic Safety Code produces more problems.
Continuous mechanical handling equipment. Safety code for conveyors and elevators with chain - elements. Examples for safety of nip points.
Knowledge of the latest technology applications and GCC processing, as well as plant standards, health and safety code and quality standards.
The electrical safety code about hazardous special locations as bathrooms, swimming pools, prinking pools etc, which are all accident-prone, is not perfect.
Without written permission, it's a misdemeanor violation of the state Health and Safety Code to scatter human ashes on private property, but enforcement is difficult.
"Due to this arctic outbreak and concerns for the safety of USPS employees," USPS announced Wednesday morning," the Postal Service is suspending delivery Jan.30 in some 3-digit ZIP Code locations."
"Due to this arctic outbreak and concerns for the safety of USPS emplovees," USPS announced Wednesday morning," the Postal Service is suspending delivery Jan.30 in some 3 digit ZIP Code locations."
He argued that Plato did not use the code for pleasure, but instead for his own safety after his teacher was executed for heresy.
Each test will serve as a quality feedback loop, creating both a safety net and an executable form of documentation for anyone who wants to change the production code.
We reviewed the notion that these were prescriptive and deterministic. Any computer code that you wanna use for the safety analysis you have to have NRC approval.
Furthermore, due to a novel approach to bytecode verification, we're also able to ensure runtime type safety of the compiled code.
Demonstration of automated techniques, TAL and automated theorem proving, to verify the safety of the complex low-level code in the operating system and run-time.
Unit tests represent the primary safety net that allows you to refactor your code base at will.
Many applications, particularly those that involve safety concerns, require code that meets MISRA-C guidelines.
许多的程序,特别是那些涉及到安全性的程序,需要满足MISRA - c规则的代码。
That contract does not allow this method to throw a run-time exception (barring violations of generic type safety that qualify as bugs in the calling code).
Its benefits - in terms of code safety and simplicity, and often even in terms of performance - are enormous.
For really critical sections of your code, you might consider adding some functional tests as a safety net before you start refactoring.
In other words, the compiler generates pretty much the same code you would have written by hand without generics, casts and all, after checking the type-safety of your program.
Parts of the code await ministerial decrees, some of which will be issued over the next six months. But important sections covering road safety have already entered into force.
While thread-safety is a term we typically use to describe code, in actuality it is about data.
You need to do some thread safety work and make sure that UI modifying code gets sent to the main thread.
Provide boiler safety valves with a capacity at least equal to the recommendations of the boiler manufacturer and of the ASME Section 1 Power Boiler Code.
Another consequence of erasure is that using casts or instanceof with generic type parameters doesn't make any sense. The following code will not improve the type safety of your code at all.
擦除的另一个后果是,对泛型类型参数是用强制类型转换或者instance of毫无意义。
In the absence of the corresponding domestic design code, the site selection and safety distance of LNG vehicle fueling station are discussed.
Own great wisdom (flush) the original code, period limitation. Determine the price of the location, safety instructions. Unilateral please with them.
Can say, defend quadruply set out completely from the point of view that protects player interest, arrive from Zhang name code resist trojan virus, to the player overall safety assures.
The construction of a provable hash algorithm is developed based on the operations from various groups, also, a safety message authentication code is presented by the result.
This code can stop the whole hook load, clarity, we can make reference to the safety program.
This code can stop the whole hook load, clarity, we can make reference to the safety program.