Monthly income is 15000, plus your own sales commissions.
For Banks, sales commissions have become a significant source of fee income.
Also, some employees receive sales commissions. So good salesmen will naturally earn more.
During the first three months, I'm on probation. So I won't get sales commissions until after that.
Calculate shipping and packaging costs, sales commissions and other costs related to the sale of your product.
Mr. White: Those are company cars provided to the sales staff for their business trips. Also, some employees receive sales commissions.
Management of the Company's business, in accordance with general commercial practices, may entail the payment of agency or sales commissions.
A program might compute payroll checks, keep track of goods in the warehouse, calculate sales commissions, or perform similar business tasks. .
New Employee: At first it is going to be difficult. During the first three months, I'm on probation. So I won't get sales commissions until after that.
This isn't a product I particularly like, because many have outrageously high annual expenses and charge back-end sales commissions if you sell within, say, the first seven years.
But if they understand that a more efficient supply chain helps make a product available when the customer wants it, thereby increasing sales commissions, they get interested.
In some fraud cases, the promoters never drill at all; in others, they devote a disproportionate amount to sales commissions and other in-house expenses not related to production.
Realtors, agents, brokers and builders rely on sales and commissions for most of their income.
But hospitals have often profited from illegal mark-ups on medicine and from commissions from manufacturers on the sales of their drugs.
Marketing processes must link to sales processes, which must link to manufacturing and delivery processes, which must link to billing and commissions processes.
Commissions are integrated into the pay given to sales workers in three common ways: straight commission, salary plus commission, and bonuses.
After graduation, Mr.Dodgebecame a salesman, receiving commissions on all sales he made.
It is also agreed that commissions for CNinsure are subject to upward adjustment on top of the market commissions if CNinsure meets certain targets in terms of sales volume and quality.
Commissions vary from 20% - 40% based on sales milestones reached and whether the photographer grants iStockphoto exclusive use of images.
Excluding commissions paid to advertising partners, Google posted sales of $4.22 billion, better than the $4.12 billion in sales expected by analysts polled by Thomson Reuters.
除却支付给广告合作伙伴的佣金之外,google的广告销售额在第四季度达到42.2亿美元,高过thomson reuteres早前预期的41.2亿。
When you pay salespeople commissions based on their sales, for instance, they will always sell more than when you simply pay them a flat salary.
When you pay salespeople commissions based on their sales, for instance, they will always sell more than when you simply pay them a flat salary.
The accused are expected to argue in today's session that some of the amounts they received were legitimate commissions on iron ore sales and not bribes, in an attempt to reduce their sentence.
Are you going to generate income from advertising, affiliate commissions, product sales, donations, or something else?
Metamediaries are companies with robust Internet sites that furnish customers with multiproduct, multivendor and multiservice marketspace in return for commissions on sales.
The company also raised sales targets and threatened to withhold commissions and dismiss sales agents who failed to meet the targets, the workers said.
I was getting a taste for the higher commissions, and by 1975 I was doing only sales.
Distributors earn monthly commissions or bonuses on the sales revenue generated by their downline.
Distributors earn monthly commissions or bonuses on the sales revenue generated by their downline.