Translators shall get sufficient understandings about semantic gap and exert their creativity through horizons of expectations, and at the same time hold the degree of re-creativity.
At the same time, if a thin dining companion orders a small portion, I too will hold back because I want to mirror the habits of a body type to which many people aspire.
But at the same time, it would cause several European Banks to take billions of euros in write downs, as they too hold significant amounts of Greek debt.
This is the same thing that parents experience when a child is stillborn, or when they have their baby to hold for a short time, only to have it die in infancy.
Most people strained to hold on to the rolling ship and, at the same time, to look for life jackets and lifeboats.
For instance, with your arm held out, tense your biceps and triceps at the same time and hold for 5 to 10 seconds.
When you are learning how to sing, you are going to have to learn to both hold your breath and relax at the same time.
Around the same time, a senator from Maine named William P. Frye lamented that “there are several in our distinguished body who hold their seats by purchase.”
大约同一时期的一位缅因州的参议员弗莱(WilliamP. Frye)曾哀叹:“在我们这个权威的机构中,有一些人通过购买的方式来获取自己的参议院席位。”
It then prompts you to "hold home + power" (meaning, press both buttons at the same time).
At the same time, officials could stay on hold 'for quite some time' if the economy weakened or if inflation slows further.
Register normally trade service business at the same time license plate of business of hold futures gold stock money!
It's brought forward an EVM evaluation method with critical path to hold the project progress well through comparing with BCWP and BCWS also with BCWP CP and BCWS CP in critical path at the same time.
Marriage among the same age group who hold bachelor's or more advanced degrees, meanwhile, fell 4 percentage points over that time, to 52%.
He said, I tried to turn loose and hold on at the same time while looking for the light.
At the same time, we combine the dynamic filter technique which chose different passband with different depth to hold the high signal-to-noise ratio.
When, say, two types of asset were assumed to be uncorrelated, investors felt able to hold the same capital as a cushion against losses on both, because they would not lose on both at the same time.
People who follow P-time tend to do multiple tasks at the same time, tend to hold more fluid attitudes toward time schedules, and tend to integrate task needs with social needs.
Whenever you try to move forward with hope and hold back out of fear at the same time, you will feel caught in the middle, very confused, not knowing what to do next.
What we need is men who can hold their jobs-and work for us at the same time.
They gathered in squares and held celebrations. At the same time, people in Beijing realized that it will not be easy to hold the Olympic Games.
She recalled that she and her friend had promised and hoped that in 2 years time, they would hold an exhibition together with the same theme using ceramics and photographs.
When the phone is off, press down the "record" (the button under the power button) and the power button at the same time and hold for a few seconds.
When the phone is off, press down the "record" (the button under the power button) and the power button at the same time and hold for a few seconds.