This system is validated by the sample for reference of the medical statistics (second edition), published by the people's medical.
Sample code was provided as a reference and starting point for development and delivery of smarter supply chain solutions.
To provide a frame of reference for our discussion and sample, we based the artifacts on a simple Order Processing use case.
The entire toolkit is considered a sample, so the source is shipped for your reference and modification.
Listing 7 is a sample implementation that always returns the same value for NHLCopyright — the entity reference in both XML document samples.
Modify the resource reference mappings for the sample application
This demonstration updates the demo directory with a thesaurus subdirectory, which has a readme.html file with links to the reference documentation and instructions for building the sample content.
这个演示要更新的demo目录有一个thesaurus子目录,里面有一个readme . html文件,文件中有构建示例内容的参考文档和说明的链接。
This third article in a series covered the mapping of Win32 to Linux with respect to semaphore APIs, along with semaphore sample codes for your reference.
Video.Show is an end-to-end solution that provides a reference-quality sample for user-generated video content sites.
The sample becomes the property of the USGA for reference purposes.
By discussing the problems and solutions in sample garments confirmation, the paper provides reference standards of sample garments confirmation for knitting enterprises.
The standard sample photograph for features of mulberry doupion silk is an indispensable standard reference in the inspection of the doupion silk.
The way you are trying will work for earlier versions. Either try a sample with VS2008 or reference the DLL's as the error states in your application.
您正在尝试将早期版本的工作方式。无论是尝试用VS 2008样品或引用dll的的错误状态在应用程序中。
An approved sample or reference sample with packing list and shipping marks are available as reference for factory QC.
We develop new sample yarns, do multiple tests, and at the same time arrange designment and proofing for customers reference according to the requirementw of different customers.
A sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.
Keep small baked samples of colours you create and like - write the recipe on the sample and keep in a tin or make a hole in it and thread onto a cord to keep for reference.
You shall not copy or redirect this project page if without author's permission. This sample only use for reference. Please respect to the author.
In order to show you the quality, we are enclosing sample, price list and illustrated catalogue for your reference.
Product description is in my many years of experience in the Division based on the up, only for reference and tips, without any quality assurance, please make full use of pre-sample test.
Please have a look at that reference and as was suggested in comments, create a new Template in MVC and have a look at the sample code the template creates for you.
To be well versed in all descriptions and types of operating equipment for the Hotel, including maintaining catalogues, sample pictures of such items for reference.
Development and application of sinter ore control-sample were researched. The feasible analytical method was put forward, which provided the reference for instrument analysis.
As requested, we are sending you herewith a sample of Art. No. 123 for your reference.
To acquaint you with the Cotton Piece Goods we handle, we are sending you, under separate airmail, one commodity list and several sample books for your reference.
To acquaint you with the Cotton Piece Goods we handle, we are sending you, under separate airmail, one commodity list and several sample books for your reference.