"It was as if Europe had been shifted 20 degrees north and Ireland moved to Svalbard," said Bill Patterson of Saskatchewan University.
The third team, the University of Saskatchewan Space Design Team, known as USST, are still to compete, and the Space Pirates also get to try again on Friday.
A new robotic micromilling device developed at the University of Saskatchewan can harvest 20,000 slices per millimeter of material.
The bust, when it comes, may not be as deep or as long as previous farm slumps because biofuels now link grain and energy prices, says Richard Gray, an economist at the University of Saskatchewan.
Dr. Kunio Komiyama, a dentist at the University of Saskatchewan College of Dentistry in Canada, designed a new “solar-powered toothbrush” that cleanses the mouth without using toothpaste.
加拿大萨斯克彻温大学(University of Saskatchewan College)牙科学专业的牙科医师小宫山·邦雄(Kunio Komiyama)博士设计出了一种新型的“太阳能牙刷”,这种牙刷不需要牙膏就能清洁口腔。
In their paper, psychology researchers from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada point to the theory that this habit could be learned in infancy, as babies tend to make more rightward head turns.
This is the website for College of Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan.
I came to China and Maple Leaf for the 2nd time, I have a 21 Year son DavidErik who graduated form Chongqing Maple Leaf and attends the University of Saskatchewan.
MATERIALS: Setting was at Neuropsychiatry Research Institute of Medical College, University of Saskatchewan.
MATERIALS: Setting was at Neuropsychiatry Research Institute of Medical College, University of Saskatchewan.