Never say uncle? But he apologized to me and promised that he would never hurt me again.
Listening attentively, the two women would say to each other sometimes: "Do you hear what she says about the uncle?"
They say an "uncle" in Kabul phoned Marouf asking him to send some physically weak children for a couple of days of manual Labour, unloading a delivery of car batteries from lorries.
Nothing was to be done that he did not do himself; though I am sure (and I do not speak it to be thanked, therefore say nothing about it), your uncle would most readily have settled the whole.
Every morning, Kate recited Ami Mansour (Uncle Mansour) and Khams Battat (Five Ducks). She was also taught to say the colours and to count in Arabic.
I say, 'Listen, do you have an aunt or uncle who lived into their 90s?'
Thee small white rabbit saw, stop step, loudly say: "Uncle goat you cross the bridge!" said, it is from the bridge back down.
Later I found that the uncle is not with the aunt and the girl, because the aunt and the girl did not say a word to him, did not look at the uncle, just talk.
My uncle, he used to say we like people for their qualities but love them for their defect.
The thought is rather appalling, but Mr Trillin makes it work for him: “You can say what you want to about my Uncle Benny, but he never made his living as a money lender.”
My uncle, however, said very little, refusing to say anything about our plans to travel to the center of the earth.
What would Uncle Reed say to you, if he were alive? Was my scarcely voluntary demand.
An uncle with whom she has been living so many years, and who, whatever his faults may be, is so very fond of her brother, treating him, they say, quite like a son.
Look, the snow swirling around the doll, a moment to ask tree uncle body is still hale and hearty, say hello to fish for a while go to the ice lens there, then fly to children, play with a friend.
Over a long period of time, one day a small Benxiong uncle's shop door from buffalo through the doorway to see buffalo uncle, told him to say hello, buffalo uncle politely smiled at him.
Lord, and in addition to I outside have no another close relatives. Be say, I this trip to Osaka inherit the property that uncle Mi hides.
"And all I can say, " he added, "even if you are my Uncle - is that you've behaved like a coward, sending a girl to a place you're afraid to go to yourself.
"Oh don't say that, " babbled Uncle Andrew. "My dear young lady, pray don't say such things.
The minister of Pei Qing points at the tip of nose of Pei Yu:"If what rubbish can not say with them, make a call call for uncle, my tel do you still remember?"
"You have everything. You're even good-looking." Her dark eyes twinkled. "Which is more than one can say for your Uncle Sanders?"
My uncle will come rushing up to me and say, "You will get lost, my boy; let me carry you."
This, of course, does not explain why the soul is immortal. Nor does it say anything about an afterlife, or about the feeling my Uncle Sender has that he is being followed by Albanians.
This, of course, does not explain why the soul is immortal. Nor does it say anything about an afterlife, or about the feeling my Uncle Sender has that he is being followed by Albanians.