The expeditions were often out of meat, and scant of clothes, but they always had the furniture and other requisites for the mass;
Members of poor peasant families spun or wove cloth and linens at home for scant remuneration in an attempt to supplement meager family income.
Scant attention has been paid to many of the dubious social and economic assumptions that underlie the plan.
The thing that strikes me the most is their scant understanding of RUP concepts and principles.
For a moment, I wondered whether they planned to tie me up to be baptized yet again, but most of them took scant notice of my panic.
In the euro area, where there is scant evidence of wage inflation and extreme weakness in the periphery economies, the ECB should not raise rates.
The sums would be of scant interest were it not for the fact that the man measuring out his life in ink that day was Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.
'We don't have the data in the UK because of scant social science research.
Surviving on the scant rain that falls on the high desert, the surrounding natural scrubland USES far less water. The scrubland, shown in the upper left corner of the image, is tan and pale blue.
The Arts Council and other victims of cuts in cultural spending will win scant sympathy.
As in the 19th century, the devastation had a thin silver lining, allowing producers to plant better clones of higher-quality grapes, but that was scant consolation.
The only problem with this argument is that there is scant evidence to support it in the history of Arab-Israeli peacemaking.
Until permanent housing is built, many of the displaced will go back to their villages to live in shacks with little hope of paid employment and scant access to basic services.
The idea that four poorer countries with scant record of co-operation, even on simple things, can finance and build something so costly and complex seems a stretch.
If I were Steve Jobs, I wouldn’t be rattled by by of them, although details are so scant on many that it’s impossible to form an opinion, period.
Or were they focused on the paralysis and the denial of paralysis, and paid scant attention to anything else?
The surface was first photographed by Luna 3, a Soviet probe, in 1959 then the Apollo 8 mission followed in 1968 but there has been scant exploration of it since.
But there is scant risk of too much fiscal probity in Washington.
The news rekindled a controversy among shareholders and corporate governance experts about Apple’s scant disclosures regarding the health of Mr. Jobs, a cancer survivor.
With unemployment rising and real incomes squeezed there is scant chance of that happening.
While the details of device's success are scant, other NATO countries are examining the system.
Yet the United States has spent much of the past decade trying to do precisely that in Iraq and Afghanistan, at great cost and with scant success.
This analysis of 58 published studies shows that the evidence on which US dairy intake recommendations are based is scant, "said study author Dr." Amy Lanou in a statement.
He bears responsibility for the data breach, because he is the boss, but there is scant evidence that Sony's defences were worse than the rest of the industry's.
Urban Honolulu, the state capital, is a cosmopolitan metropolis with a population of more than 370,000; the entire island of Molokai, a scant 50 miles away, has only 7,400 residents.
The downside of the find, from the perspective of saving the planet, is that the TC3-like rocks make up a scant 1.3 percent of all known meteorites.
从拯救地球的角度来看,这一发现的不利方面在于TC 3这一类的太空岩石只占到所有已知陨石的1.3%。
The downside of the find, from the perspective of saving the planet, is that the TC3-like rocks make up a scant 1.3 percent of all known meteorites.
从拯救地球的角度来看,这一发现的不利方面在于TC 3这一类的太空岩石只占到所有已知陨石的1.3%。