Scarce and expensive skilled labour is often a spur to invention.
It is now strictly true that scarce a fly or mosquito can be seen in the town.
These traits require a degree of modesty scarce among those ambitious enough to clamber to the top.
Liquidity and credit suddenly become scarce and a devastating, value-destroying uncertainty takes hold.
It is now a strictly true that scarce a fly or mosquito can be seen in the town and cholera and smallpox are no more.
On a cell phone, memory is a scarce and precious resource, and should be released back to the system when your program is done servicing a request.
If more than one species is competing for a scarce resource, the competing species usually switch to different alternative resources.
It was argued that once hunter-gatherers had occupied the whole world, the population started to grow everywhere and food became scarce; agriculture would have been a solution to this problem.
Furthermore, most species do not depend entirely on a single resource, if the major resource for a species becomes scarce, the species can usually shift to alternative resources.
A snack bar producer discovered that the supply of purely grass-fed bison meat was scarce.
Very low concentrations of vanadium, which is scarce in meats and somewhat lower in nuts than in other plant resources, are good evidence of meat consumption and thus a better-balanced diet.
Reporting is no longer a scarce commodity.
Marriage is not a scarce resource that has to be rationed.
The success of the IIIMP pilot in Egypt shows what can be done when an irrigation system is re-engineered to treat water as a scarce, precious commodity and to involve farmers in management.
So a price mechanism and market is needed to mediate the competition for a scarce resource.
You will feel unsure about yourself when you are living in fear.You will also start developing a scarce mentality that will distort your vision of what you are capable of accomplishing.
You will feel unsure about yourself when you are living in fear. You will also start developing a scarce mentality that will distort your vision of what you are capable of accomplishing.
This means that slots on the grid are a scarce resource so there is immediately competition to get people up on stage early to say their idea before someone grabs the slot or topic they want.
A gold standard clearly protects the interest of creditors since it ties the value of money to a scarce resource.
Sadly, spectrum is a scarce resource.
Light is scarce indoors, and at a high sensitivity like ISO 800, your camera doesn't need as much of it.
在缺乏光线的室内环境中,如果使用高感光度如iso 800进行拍摄,那么你的相机将不再需要太多的光线。
Glasses are no longer a scarce resource costing many hundreds of dollars, they can be as simple as buying a DVD or book online, and cost about the same.
What is prudence in the conduct of every private family can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom.
Until now, most approaches relied on impractically scarce materials like iridium as a catalyst that triggers the reaction.
In many areas of the country, growing populations and limited nearby water supplies are making water a scarce (and expensive) commodity.
Once your brain realizes that working time is scarce, you suddenly become a lot more efficient because you have to be.
A lot of people say it is a scarce resource, but most people don't recognize this.
A lot of people say it is a scarce resource, but most people don't recognize this.