problem-solving in a social context, such as how to distribute scarce goods or defend the clan;
Another was the importance of personal connections in obtaining scarce goods and services.
When those scarce goods are vital for the smooth running of the economy (as oil is), it is natural for countries to get a bit desperate.
The end result really is a much bigger market with muchgreater benefit by expanding the market by using infinite goods to makethe scarce goods more valuable.
AS my fine professor of economics at Columbia, C. Lowell Harriss (who just celebrated his 96th birthday) used to tell us, economics is the study of the allocation of scarce goods and services.
To cut into a ham in mid-winter, when food supplies dwindled and green goods were scarce, was to witness the beginning of the end-the end being, of course, starvation.
在隆冬时节,食品供应趋紧、蔬菜减少的时候,开始切开一只火腿即说明是结束的开始- - -什么结束,那当然是,结束挨饿。
Because resources are scarce, devoting more resources to producing capital requires devoting fewer resources to producing goods and services for current consumption.
By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce, transport adds to their value.
State-run radio said Chenzhou was like a "deserted island, " with its shops closed and goods scarce.
And there was only grudging acquiescence in its complicated system of rationing scarce consumer goods: coffee, sugar, meat, butter, canned goods, shoes, tires, gasoline, and fuel oil.
That's because all those relatively scarce commodities have been converted into a glut of consumer goods. Manufacturers can't raise their prices because of global competition.
That's because all those relatively scarce commodities have been converted into a glut of consumer goods. Manufacturers can't raise their prices because of global competition.